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Evaluating the Erection - Learn how an erection works and what causes Erectile Dysfunction

Anatomy of an Erection
An erection occurs when blood floods the penis and engorges it, making it erect and full. Nitric oxide is the primary ingredient responsible for the process.
The penis isn't a muscle as commonly thought, but rather an organ comprised of cavernous chambers made up of sponge-like tissue. These chambers are known as the corpora cavernosa and corpora spongiosa. The tissues contain smooth muscles, fibrous tissue, veins, and arteries.
The opening of the arteries that feed blood to your penis results in engorgement of the spongy tissue. At the same time, muscles at the base of the penis contract to stop the blood from draining out through the veins, thus maintaining the erection. Nerves in your spinal cord also control your erection, which receives input from physical contact to the penis and/or surrounding areas. Sexual thoughts, dreams, and sex hormones can also stimulate an erection.
If everything is working properly and there is sufficient blood flow and nerve impulses, a man is capable of getting an erection even when he’s not necessarily sexually stimulated.
An erection can happen at anytime. It is an automated response when exposed to enough stimuli. The penis can be in a fully erect state within a matter of seconds or it can harden and grow gradually over a longer period of time. As the male gets older, it may take longer for him to get an erection.

Dissecting Dysfunction
As men grow older, they lose the ability to achieve erections. A lowered output of testosterone has been cited as a reason that this unfortunate scenario occurs, but there are many factors that can cause this can happen. With the help of Herbs, these aging effects can be lowered. You can continue with a happy and healthy sex life well into your ‘golden years’.
Vascular Problems
Proper blood flow is extremely important to achieving and sustaining an erection. Diseases like Atherosclerosis or Diabetes inhibits blood flow to the penis. Smokers suffer from thin arteries and veins that hinder the process. Prescription medications can also alter the flow as well. Drugs such as sedatives, antihistamines, agents for high blood pressure, cancer or depression, and illegal drugs like marijuana can also have an effect. With special Herbs, you will experience an increase in penile blood flow that will help you sustain a longer, fuller erection.
Damage to Veins
A damaged vein in the penis can cause blood to drain too quickly causing a weak erection that doesn't last long. With the use of Herbs, you can repair damaged veins and other injuries to the penis and regain a strong erection.
Sexual Exhaustion
Erectile Dysfunction can develop through sexual exhaustion and over-ejaculation. These actions can destroy veins and arteries in the penis and even contribute to venous leakage. Having too much sex can also drain a man's body of important nutrients and hormones that are responsible for achieving and maintaining erections, causing the brain to be overworked and unable to properly produce hormones like acetycholine, serotonin, and dopamine. Herbs, like the ones you’ll find on our product page, can help remedy sexual exhaustion and the ill effects that come with it.
Performance Anxiety
Psychological factors are cited as a leading cause of Erectile Dysfunction in younger men. It can stem from relationship or emotional problems with a sexual partner, depression, feelings of inadequacy, sexual fears, or even general nervousness and anxiety. In most cases, performance anxiety can be the result of stress caused by problems in the work/school place, financial worries and other sources that create tension, hostility, and anxiety in a relationship. Though psychologically-caused Erectile Dysfunction is difficult to treat and should be discussed with a Sex Therapist, our Herbs have been shown to help overcome Performance Anxiety and renew confidence and energy.
Almost all men who have had prostate surgery report suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. Radiation treatment for prostate or colon cancer can also cause Erectile Dysfunction. The Herbs concocted from Eastern Medicine and Culture can help accelerate the healing process and regain sexual energy and strength.

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