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Prostate Cancer & Erectile Dysfunctions

The worst possible cause of an enlarged prostate is cancer. Why the prostate is so susceptible to cancer is still under research. Several connections have been determined, but nothing yet is for certain. Currently there is no direct correlation of cancer being a result of prostatitis or prostate enlargement (BPH), but there are suspicions that they add a greater risk factor to prostate cancer.

As Dr. Mulhall points out,

doctors treating men who have prostate cancer shy away from discussing in detail various of the possible side effects or complications of particular treatments. [1]

Often the side effects of radical prostatectomy, prostate radiation, and hormonal treatment are erectile dysfunction including premature & rapid ejaculation. Some urologists would often suggested penile injections, intra-urethral suppositories, and penile implants as part of sexual rehabilitation following treatment for prostate cancer.


Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced in small quantities by the cells of a healthy prostate gland but is often elevated in the presence of prostate enlargement, prostatitis, or prostate cancer. PSA test involves drawing blood and then sent to a laboratory. The result is due in few days. Biopsy is the only to positively identify the presence of cancerMost doctors would agreed that PSA level goes beyond 4 ng/mL might need to get another PSA test or get biopsy if the men has a family history of prostate cancer.Besides PSA score increased through age, African American men have a higher PSA level compared to Caucasian. In the past, scientists found that PSA levels were just naturally higher in African-American men, the threshold standard were adjusted so it would not created false positive result. With the advancement of genetic tools and analysis, researchers have found that PSA levels accurately predict prostate cancer risk for African American men. [2] [3]

In contrast to some other types of cancer, prostate cancer can be treated fairly effectively even after it has spread. Of course, it is very important to catch the disease at the earliest stage possible, because it increases the chances of curing it and increases the number of applicable treatment options.

Natural Solutions

Taoist’s Natural Ejaculation Control Technique and botanical formula are the most appropriate ways to combat premature ejaculation for people with prostate diseases. These natural approaches are non-invasive and there are no side effects. Natural solutions always work with the individuals’ body therefore recovery timeframes vary. Younger and healthier people certainly experience a faster and more significant improvement. People that persist in practicing the ejaculation control technique will have a longer lasting result.

Saw Palmetto, Nettle, and Pygeum contains various plant-based ingredients such as beta-sitosterol, carotenoids, and phytosterol complex that can inhibit enzymes that convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), arresting cell growth, inducing programmed cell death. Even with these impressive research findings, these herbs should not be considered a primary treatment for prostate cancer. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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