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Inhibited Ejaculation - When male orgasm is elusive

There is a sexual disorder that is not often addressed due to its uncommon nature. It’s called “inhibited ejaculation”. The disorder may basically be defined as the difficulty or inability of a male to achieve orgasm during intercourse, regardless of how long he engages in it. A prolonged delay or absense of a climax can be frustrating and uncomfortable, particularly when faced with the vulnerability of a partner who may believe they are somehow responsible.
Unlike impotency, inhibited ejaculation is not related to erectile dysfunction. But it can be almost equally disheartening. In some cases, the cause is purely psychological and needs to be addressed as such. Other times, poor respiration due to obesity is a culprit, of which the cure is obvious. But most often the reason behind inhibited ejaculation is sexual exhaustion caused by excessive masturbation or ejaculation. Testosterone is burned out before its supply can be replenished.
Ultimately, testosterone production can be severely diminished. As a result, a man may find that he is no longer able to achieve orgasm, or may do so only after having great difficulty reaching it. A psychological backlash from these disorders often develops in the form of depression and anxiety. Luckily, testosterone levels can easily be restored naturally through diet and consumption of many different potent herbs. Eventually, with such treatments as the Orgasm Disorder Formula For Men, the problem of inhibited ejaculation may be conquered.
Inhibited ejaculation due to sexual exhaustion is not a permanent consequence, thankfully. Many potent remedies have been developed that not only restore ones’ normal sex drive and function; they may even increase his libido.

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GuideID: 60607

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