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Sex Position: Push Downs, Not Ups

In Push Downs, Not Ups, gentlemen will be using their push down abilities to stimulate the females. Each downward thrust will give her a welcomed sensation that few positions can mimic. Men, meanwhile, will get an opportunity to flex their muscles while they thrust harder and faster for more stimulation.
Ladies will want to rest on their backs toward the edge of the bed. Gentlemen, spread her wide open and lean forward, using your arms to support your weight. Once in position, insert your penis as far as you can. Then, ladies, wrap your legs around his hamstrings to give yourself some necessary support.

Why She’ll Love It:

Each downward thrust will be sure to stimulate your clitoris. While he’s thrusting, you should be using your spare hands to rub his hair or scream how much you love his push downs. You may not be able to generate too much tightness from this position, but the added stimulation to your clitoris should do just fine.

Why He’ll Love It:

You’ll have the perfect opportunity to workout your biceps and triceps. Each downward push will make you feel excited and ready for more. So if you’ve been missing the gym lately, here’s the perfect position to use for a substitute.

About This Position:

Sex Position Number: 58
Difficulty: Guru
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For: Penis Shrinkage
Other positions you may like: Sex-Tra-Knots
Ideal Penis Size: 7 inches +
Stamina Required: Medium
Flexibility Required: High

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Views: 142

GuideID: 60189

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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