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Take a Fo-Ti-Quality Shot of Your Hair

The male-pattern baldness industry can be compared with the penile enhancement industry: a multi-million dollar industry full of audacious, strange gimmicks aimed at improving the quality of life for men. From sprays to hair extensions, the hair industry continues to dupe millions of men, promising improved confidence and youthfulness.
Despite the promises, improvements and surmised products, men often fail to understand why they are lossing their hair in the first place. Balding can occur for a number of reasons ranging from genetics to stress to even over-masturbation (read: see how this happened).
According to recent Chinese researchers, boys maintain an extremely high level of testosterone and DHT during puberty. As they age, men who maintain a high level of DHT develop high stress levels. Stress induces inflammatory factors in the bloodstream depleting melatonin production during the night that heats the blood and causes hair loss. Men who continue to suffer from balding at a young age may be suffering from high levels of DHT conversion caused by over-masturbation.
Stymie The Balding Effect
Few men have ever heard of the clandestine, Chinese herb known as Fo-Ti. Grown throughout the tepid regions of China, Fo-Ti helps tone the kidney and liver functions to increase nutrient digestion and production. Thanks to the added antioxidants, Fo-Ti can help balding men by:
  • Reducing inflammatory factors that heats up the blood.
  • Generating SOD to eliminate superoxides that damage DNA, lipid preoxidation and hair cell destruction.
  • Providing zinc to help with human growth hormones necessary for hair follicles.
The most powerful natural hair solutions often incorporated Fo-Ti in the formulas:
Other Known Benefits of Fo-Ti
While its prime descriptions may list it as an anti-balding herb, Fo-Ti can too help improve poor erection quality of sexually exhausted men. Over-masturbation actuates a number of harmful side effects, the most common of which is sexual exhaustion. In a state of exhaustion, men often experience body inflammation, low sex drive, and weak and unsustainable erections.
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Views: 472

Ideas: Men's , Over Masturbation ,DHT

GuideID: 59810

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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