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Blood Vessel Damage Leading to Penis Pain

The penis is a sponge. When the blood vessels swell with blood, the penis takes its rock-hard formation. When those blood vessels cannot maintain the swelling, men are said to suffer from impotence. Blood vessels alone may not be the source for impotence, but damage to rupture vessels can lead to long-term issues, including depression, sexual anxiety and even scaring.
Blood vessels can rupture from too much activity, too much pressure, and even an awkward sexual position. Yet the most common source for blood vessel damage include: injuries to the penis as a result of enhancement products, i.e., cock rings and penis pumps. Injury to the blood vessels can also occur from excessive masturbation and sex.

Keep Your Vessels Healthy: Avoid the Enhancement Products

Penis enhancement products all promise the same results: bigger, longer and firmer erections. Some may hold true to their promises; others might falter. The problem occurs when the individual abuses the product or fails to understand how to properly use it. For example, penis pumps can help swell the penis to abnormal sizes. While a huge penis may seem great, too many pumps can elevate the pressure of the blood vessels and lead to ruptures.
Cock rings, another popular enhancement product, can help maintain the blood pressure of the penis for prolonged sexual activity. If the ring fits too tight, the vessels can rupture. If the ring is left on the penis for too long, the blood vessels can rupture.
If you decide to use enhancement products, exercise caution as they can lead to adverse affects on your healthy. If using a cock ring, read the packaging and avoid prolonged use. Penis pumps should be used with caution as well. Never over pump and always ensure to handle with care.

What If I have Ruptured Vessels?

If your blood vessels have suffered the damaging consequences, you may need to help rejuvenate the neve endings and tissue by taking specialized formulas. Penis injuries often stem from ruptured vessels, and to proliferate the production of healthy tissue, men may require a Penile Injury & Nerve Rejuvenation Remedy for helping restore and repair damaged tissue.
Please note, damaged tissue requires time to heal. Do not expect for tissue to heal over night. Dilapidated penile tissue requires delicate care, requiring special nutrients to help restore it to its original state.

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Views: 531

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury, erection pain

GuideID: 59735

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