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Excessive Masturbation Mean More Migraines
A nagging spouse, deadlines, a heavy night of drinking, not enough sleep or just plain stress can leave you with a pounding headache or a debilitating migraine. Many men, however, probably don’t notice all the time they are spending with their penises may be the reason they are having so much head pain.
Too Much of a Good Thing
It is not uncommon for a man to try to unwind from a difficult day by masturbating. But, instead of pleasure, they actually may be making their headaches and migraines worse. Science shows there is a link between headaches and migraines and excessive masturbation, which would be engaging in the activity multiple times per day.
Excess Masturbation Makes Your Head Hurt
To understand how what you do with your penis can hurt your head kind of makes sense. It starts with your brain. Headaches come when the body lacks neurochemicals, a molecule, such as serotonin or dopamine that participates in brain activity.
When men touch their penises too often, the body produces an excess of two enzymes L-glutamic acid decarboxylase and pyridoxal phosphate. Too much of these enzymes keeps the body from converting glutamate into GABA during sex. The stress hormones norepinephrine/epinephrine and glutamate rise when those enzyme levels get too low. This sudden boost in stress hormones also forces the release of cortisol, an inflammatory hormone that drops during sex and hours after the act.
To make a long story short, too much cortisol causes everything else to go crazy in the head. An influx of cortisol locks up testicular function. This not only results in a lack of androgen hormones but, it chokes the arteries in the brain, leading to headaches and migraines.
In addition, too much masturbation, can disrupt the normal functioning of a person’s endocrine and nervous systems. This is important because these two communication systems are linked to the hypothalamus, which controls much of the body’s behavior including those related to hunger, sleep and sex. Critical endocrine glands, include the testes and pineal gland.
Help Besides Keeping Your Hands to Yourself
Many men probably aren’t going to take a hands off approach as a way to get their headaches under control. Fortunately, a botanical combination can help men feel better. It is advised that a man limit sexual activity to one time per week during recovery time.
Herbs such as Ashwagandha, Mucuna pruiens, Cnidium, Rehmannia glutinosa, Gelsemium, Nux Vomica,and Muira puama can really help. This combination aims to get GABA back on track, reduce stress hormones and relieve dull headaches.

Additionally, men can get relief from debilitating head pain by taking a mix of Passion Flower, Muira puama, Shilajit, Belladonna and Glonoinum. Some of these herbs along with Catuaba and Cuscuta also aid in detoxifying the liver and enhancing a man’s endurance and stamina.
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Views: 256

Ideas: Masturbation, Good Thing, Head Hurt

GuideID: 59537

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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