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Chemical Overload: Alcohol Consumption and Birth Control Pills Often Contribute to Orgasm Dysfunction in Women
Kayla is admittedly the life of any party – or rather she was. Always fashionably late, always surrounded by friends, always talking and giggly, she made plans for Thursday through Sunday each week for more than two years. Those plans repeatedly focused on one activity: drinking cosmopolitans.
“I was an all-out party girl,” Kayla confesses. “I had the tight dresses and miniskirts, spiked heels, you name it. I worked for one reason: to have money to go out. Nothing gave me greater pleasure than being with my girls and sipping cocktails.”
When the Party Ends
But Kayla wasn’t always with the girls. With her winsome smile and sultry red hair, she also frequently dated. Nothing serious – she didn’t want the burden of a full-time boyfriend. She did, however, enjoy the benefits of male attention and heart-pounding sex. At least, she initially enjoyed the sex.
“I was what you call a free spirit,” she explains. “I believed – well, I still believe – in the pleasures of masturbation and intercourse. Coupled with my love of partying, I might have believed in these things a little too much.”
The irony is that fun-loving Kayla couldn’t orgasm. She knew how to because she’d done it plenty of times during masturbation. She was confident in herself and her body, felt more than comfortable with her sexual partners and knew what technique gave her the most pleasure.
The problem, it turns out, wasn’t with Kayla’s approach to sex or her partners. She suffered from imbalanced hormones as a partial result of her alcohol abuse. A 2000 article featured in volume 35, issue 5, of the Oxford Journals confirms that alcohol consumption deregulates hormones. Kayla wasn’t aware of this while she lived it up, but a doctor soon clued her in to the negative effects of her hard-living lifestyle.
The Dynamic Combination of Hormones and Orgasm
“I developed orgasm dysfunction with my third partner,” Kayla recalls. “He was loving and adventurous, and up to that point I could easily reach climax. But nothing he did gave me that silky feeling of pleasure. Afraid to tell him the truth, I started to fake orgasms. I felt humiliated, but at least he didn’t realize what I was doing. As soon as our relationship ended, I went to see a doctor.”
Kayla’s doctor explained that excessive drinking causes estrogen levels to rise. Progesterone then drops because the two chemicals are inversely connected. But for orgasm to occur, estrogen and progesterone must both be balanced. Orgasm might start between the legs, but it ends in the brain, where neurotransmitters relay messages that allow the big O to take place. When hormones are off-kilter, those messages get lost in translation.
“It didn’t help that I was on birth control,” Kayla continues, “which contributed to my hormonal imbalance. My doctor told me my body was so off balance that my inflammatory response had taken over. This was responsible for the sensitivity I lost in my clitoris and G-spot. After that, I knew what I needed to do: stop drinking, stop partying and focus on my health.”
A Cocktail to Benefit the Body
Kayla’s doctor recommended she take an herbal remedy that contains Licorice. Known famously as long, thin candy, Licorice is a root that stabilizes the inflammatory enzyme prostaglandin E-2. It restores balance to the body and revitalizes nerves in the clitoris and G-spot.
The healing power of Licorice is increased when combined with other beneficial ingredients. Female Restorex Plus is a formula blended with such herbs as Licorice, Ginkgo and Dong Quai. (TRY: Female Restorex Plus Formula) It balances hormones and improves vaginal sensitivity so each lovemaking session leaves a woman deliciously satisfied.
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Views: 140

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty, alcohol abuse

GuideID: 58807

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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