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Help, I Have a Semen Allergy, What Do I Do?
You have an allergic reaction, not to food or pollen, but semen. Yup, each time semen touches your skin, you notice a flare up: red, itchy skin that encumbers the area. You’re thinking, “What the hell just happened!”

Your initial reaction is to be afraid—really, really freakin’ scared that you contracted an STD. After a few moments of panic, and maybe a phone call or an angry text message to your recent partner, you calm down. You visit a popular health website that states the common signs of an STI. You scroll through the list of possible infections: yeast infection, vaginosis and chlamydia. You rule out a yeast infection.

You don’t even know how to say vaginosis, so you rule that out, and chlamydia, hmm, that seems unlikely.
Then, you stumble across something else--a semen allergy. You read the signs, and you start to confirm, “Yup, I have a semen allergy.” Then you visit a doctor, and he too agrees: semen allergy. 
Sit Down; Try Not to Panic or Cry
Okay, every time semen touches the skin, the signs are there: redness, itchiness and irritation. You’re not sick. You’re not going to die, and yes, you can still get pregnant—it’s just going to hurt. Now, before you worry about the pain, understand that plenty of women (and even men) experience allergic reactions to semen.

The proteins inside semen cause the irritation, and women who notice semen enter their vaginas too will experience slight discomfort. Still, women who experience irritation and wish to be come pregnant are recommended to take expose their organs to small traces of semen. After time, the genitals will adjust to the proteins and the pain associated with the discomfort.
If you still experience pain, speak to a medical practitioner. You’re not going to be given any medicine, nor will you be given any creams to dull the pain. Instead, some doctors might just ask to wear a condom to prevent the allergic reaction (if you’re not trying to get pregnant).

Women who do wish to procreate will be asked to deal with the pain. Sorry ladies, but this is one condition that may not have a solution.

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GuideID: 58742

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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