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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
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Female Overactive Bladder & Interstitial Cystitis

Persistent pain in the bladder or pelvis, a constant urgency and frequent urination are all signs of painful bladder syndrome or interstitial cystitis. Pain typically increases as the bladder fills and is relieved during urination; however, sometimes a burning pain is also experienced in the urethra while urinating. There may also be difficulty in starting the urine stream, discomfort while driving, traveling or sitting, and many also experience pain during sexual intercourse.

Previously considered a menopausal disease, many women and men are now being diagnosed in their twenties. Traumatic injury, allergies, genetics, neurological disorders, autoimmune difficiencies, or simply excessive consumption of caffeine from coffee and sodas can damage the bladder lining, allowing urine to leak into surrounding tissues, causing pain, inflammation and incontinence.

Herbs are a safe way to heal the bladder without the adverse side effects of prescription medications. Dong quai, American ginseng, and saw palmetto treat the frequent urge to urinate, insufficient emptying of the bladder, and inability to urinate on demand for both men and women. Wild yam and evening primrose oil help promote regularity and aid in shrinking the prostate gland for men. Black cohosh and yohimbe enhance urinary and bowel control.

Plantain is an astringent so it shrinks and soothes tissue swelling and reduces discharge.  Marshmallow root is also soothing and is best used alone in a cold infusion. Horsetail assists with connective tissue integrity.

Combined with mineral therapy and specific massage, these are very effective natural remedies.

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GuideID: 58604

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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