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Natural Clitoral Revitalization – Revive the Sensitivity & Passion

Men and women with full-time jobs have less time for sex. Stress, exhaustion, even a busy workload leaves little time for sex. For men and women with full-time positions, all they need is a ‘quickie’ to allay the stress accrued throughout the day.
For those individuals who do engage in sex, too much of it can numb a woman’s most sensitive spot - the clitoris. Age, hormone imbalances, birth control pills, vaginal abrasion, and incessant uses of vibrators all can damage and numb a clitoris.

While toxin buildup from prescription drugs, environmental pollution, and BPA from water and plastics can result in vaginal looseness, excessive clitoris skin, and may even ruin clitoral sensitivity receptors.

What the Formula Does
Suitable for women over 35 who are suffering from early menopause and/or have been taking birth control medications for years, the herbal blend composed of Mexican Wild Yam (Mexico Dioscorea Villosa), Cistanches Desertecolae, Maca (Lepidium meyenii), Dong Quai, Mucuna Prurien, Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium Grandiflorum), Pyrola Calliantha, Tribulus Terrestris, Juniperus Brasiliansis, and Cnidium Monnieri can rejuvenate and repair clitoral damage by:
  • Reducing excessive prostaglandin E-2 to stop inflammation around the clitoris
  • Rejuvenating damaged clitoral nerve endings
  • Modulating the proper production of DHEA and HGH in order to reverse aging
  • Increasing clitoral microcirculation
  • Providing nutrients for neurotransmitter production and rejuvenation
Excessive use of a vibrator is the main culprit behind clitoral insensitivity problems. After taking this herbal formula, the proper production of oxytocin will be restored, so a lighter, slower touch from your loved can feel amazing.

One of the key benefits of these herbs is to prolong your sexual desire, thereby building momentum between the Plateau stage to the Orgasm stage. Your G-spot will be more sensitive than before, so you and your love can attain a more fulfilling orgasm than before.
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63790

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