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Herbal Solutions To Combat Ecstasy & Erection Disorders

Ecstasy (MDMA) addiction has proven to be a rapid road to tragedy. Ecstasy users take the drug to experience enhanced sensations and hallucinations. However, the drug depletes the body of necessary serotonin used in sexual abilities. Men who deplete their serotonin levels on a consistent basis can often experience a lack of morning erection and suffer from other erectile dysfunctions.

Because of the lack of serotonin, the body can experience mental exhaustion, concentration issues, empathy, emotional sensitivity and dizziness.[1][2]

Importance of Serotonin
Serotonin controls individual’s mood. Men and women who often feel anxious and depressed tend to suffer from a serotonin depletion that causes a poor mood. Psychological functions aside, serotonin also helps control a male’s ejaculation and erection quality.

Serotonin binds to the synapse inside receptor sites of a cell. When serotonin binds to the penile tissue cells, the parasympathetic nerves experience stimulation to power an erection. Ecstasy damages the parasympathetic nerves, inhibiting erection capacity.

Herbal Detox and Rejuvenation
For young men and adults  to experience erections once again, the parasympathetic needs to be repaired while the toxic waste caused by the drug eliminated.
Astragalus--Thanks to the polysaccharides known as Astragalan B, Astragalus stimulates the immune system while modulating the endocrine system and binding to the outer membranes of viruses to destabilize their defenses. Astragalus, along with Fo Ti can help minimize the toxic waste left behind by Ecstasy.

Bupleurum--Revered as a liver-enhancing herb, Buplerum treats a weakened liver, and together with Milk Thistle, can improve the functioning of the organ.

Fo Ti--Known for its anti-oxidation properties, Fo Ti helps eliminate toxic build in the liver and kidneys. Ecstasy damages the liver, impeding the release of necessary nutrients for serotonin production. By repairing the liver, the body too can see healthier parasympathetic nerves.

Panax Ginseng, Paeonia Suffruticosa, Guarana - These adoptogenic herbs can help restore back your energy and concentration levels.

Maca--Regarded as a sex driver enhancer, men suffering from weak or non-existent erections can see an improvement thanks to Maca. In a double-blind, parallel-group study, scientist discovered how SSRI drugs, medications that elevate serotonin levels, saw improvement in erectile capacity. Men who elevate their serotonin levels with Ecstasy too can see an improvement in erectile capacity.

Several crucial constituents in these herbs serve as growth factors and essential nutrients for both liver and nerve cells. The detoxification, rejuvenation and the reversal of the harmful side effects caused by recreational drug abuse proves beneficial in improving signs of impotence caused by Ecstasy.

  1. ^Bosker WM, Kuypers KP, Conen S, Kauert GF, Toennes SW, Skopp G, Ramaekers JG., MDMA (ecstasy) effects on actual driving performance before and after sleep deprivation, as function of dose and concentration in blood and oral fluid., Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2011 Sep 28.
  2. ^Fernàndez-Castillo N, Juliana Orejarena M, Ribasés M, Blanco E, Casas M, Robledo P, Maldonado R, Cormand B, Active and passive MDMA ('ecstasy') intake induces differential transcriptional changes in the mouse brain., Genes Brain Behav. 2011 Sep 26.

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