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Menstrual Cramps Relief Solution

Menstrual Cramps are a common result of high levels of prostaglandins, a type of inflammatory chemical produced in the uterus. Of the many different types of prostaglandins, PGE1 and PGE3 decrease the inflammatory responses to menstrual camps while PGE2 increase cramps.

Herbs in this formula aim to control menstrual cramps by decreasing PGE2 while increasing PGE1 and PGE3.

Here are ways to relieve from your monthly menstrual cramps:

Take PMS Herbal Formula
Herbs in this formula help the lymphatic system eliminate internal toxic buildup that can accumulate due to congestion of liver bioenergy (Liver Qi Stagnation), which is the common cause of menstrual cramps. Cramp bark, Chasteberry, & Dong Quai are powerful & effective menstrual pain & cramp herbs. A review of most effective & comprehensive PMS herbal formula can be located at: Pretty Miserable Syndrome - No More!

Most foods do not contain sufficient magnesium sources. Menstrual symptoms such as bloatedness and breast tenderness often occur because of a lack of magnesium.

Warm Up
Use castor oil packs, heat pads, or a hot water bottle to apply heat to the surface of your belly. Warm castor oil packs help the lymphatic system eliminate internal toxins from cramping, while heat helps improve the menstrual cycle.

Diet Change
Changing your diet and taking a natural remedy yields less pain. PGE1 and PGE3 are derived from omega-3 fats, which help alleviate pre-menstrual pain, but omega-6, often found in the fats from junk foods, can enhance the production of prostaglandins that are harmful to your body.

Regular yoga exercise can help relieve menstrual cramps. Standing poses align the pelvic organs and strengthen the pelvic floor. Forward bends strengthen the muscles and promote relaxation.

Take Cramp Bark
Cramp Bark helps reduce menstrual cramps. You can take it the day before your period comes. Cramp bark provides temporary relief for women who have both menstrual cramps and lower back pain.
[More Details +]

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