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Natural Female Reproductive Tonic Formula

As women age, their reproductive systems and functions decline. Hormone secretions start to seize. Reproductive health becomes contorted. Regular menstrual cycles become altered. Alterted menstrual cycles, poor reproductive health, and a lack of hormone secreations make it impossible for a woman to become pregnant. However, women who remain commited to conceiving  may find hope in  fertility formulas that increase the chances of procreating.

Fertility Herb Overview
Squawvine, a Native American fertility herb, increases the odds of pregnancy by strengthening the uterine muscles, uterine tone, while relaxing any spasms.
Red raspberry (Rubus Idaeus), an astringent herb loaded withVitamin B and EFAs needed for a healthy uterus, reduces the harmful side effects caused by fertility drugs.
Chasteberry (Vitex) helps to normalize ovulation by improving the short luteal phase in women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Chasteberry stimulates luteinizing hormone production and reduces the release of follicle-stimulating hormones. The herb also supports pituitary gland health and encourages the body’s balance of estrogen and progesterone.
The Natural Female Reproductive Tonic Formula is a synergistic blend of herbs that help vitality, energy, balance, and health of the female reproductive system. The herbs in the formula will keep the reproductive system operating at peak efficiency.
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