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Foods to Help Male Fertility

Folic Acid
Recent research has found that a deficiency of Vitamin B complex, such as those found in folic acid, reduces production and density of sperm cells. Foods rich in folic acid can correct the problem. Asparagus, mustard greens, parsley, collard greens, broccoli, spinach, beets, lentils, and cauliflower folic acids are all good sources of Vitamin B.

However, green vegetables, e.g., spinach, cabbage, mustard greens, and asparagus, can lose up to 40 percent of its folate (the natural form of folic acid) when cooked. If possible, eat green veggies raw or lightly cooked to retain vitamins.

Zinc affects sperm motility and density. Seafood is rich in Zinc. Eating just six oysters can give you more than 40 mg of Zinc. Other foods, like crab and certain fish, provide slightly less amounts. If you don’t care for seafood, take Zinc supplements instead. 

Vitamin D
Vitamin D and calcium are needed during sperm production. Sperm needs calcium and ATP energy molecules to penetrate the egg. Vitamin D and calcium can be easily obtained from low-fat dairy and sunlight exposure, while fish can also provide a source of Vitamin D.

Multi-vitamins act as co-enzymes that become involved in semen production. The majority of men who suffer from infertility issues need powerful herbs to help them meet the critical parameters for healthy semen. It is important to make sure all semen characteristics are normal for maximum fertility.

It's well known that herbs formulated in an efficacious & therapeutic ratio can help male fertility in several crucial ways: producing healthy sperms in critical volume, adjust acidity at the right pH, making sure DNA replication not be affected by oxidation, and modulate white blood cell for preveting immune interference. 

Benefits FromHerbs
VolumeCurculigo OrchioidesIncrease number of healthy sperm cells
pHLycopene, Mucuna PruriensAdjust acidity level needed to survive inside the vagina and uterus
MobilityTribulus, Tongkat Ali, Sea CucumberImprove speed and method in reaching the eggs for fertilization
MorphologyMucuna Pruriens, Panax GinsengSize and appearance of sperm cell
WBCPanax GinsengModulate proper white Blood Cell count

Fertility herbs, such as Curculigo Orchioides, a Rhizome that belongs to the family of Hypoxidaceae, can be found in their native temperate region of India. Curculigo can increase sperm count, seminal fructose content, and Nitric Oxide production, positively correlating the sperm’s survival rate.[1]
An herbal blend of Nettle, Curculigo Orchioides, and Tribulus Terrestris can improve semen quality. Long-term consumption to this herbal blend can have a significantly positive impact on various semen quality parameters such as: volume, concentration, motility, production, and survivability.[2]

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Ideas: Men's, Male Infertility

Blog ID: 63736

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