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Vaginal RH Formula I - Vaginal Regeneration & Hormonal Realignment For Intercourse Pain

Don’t Suffer in Silence
For many women, intercourse can be a non-pleasurable and almost unbearable activity due to the pain. They suffer in silence because they are unable to determine the cause of the pain. In fact, many women have indicated that the emotional toll of suffering from intercourse pain is too great, especially when they can’t even get a clear diagnosis from their doctors.
Taking hormonal contraceptives, such as birth control pills, patches, injections, and vaginal rings, can cause intercourse pain for many women. Symptoms from prescription and infertility drugs may also contribute.
What Causes the Pain
Embedded underneath the vaginal and clitoral skins are various neuro-endocrine receptors and glands that are used for neurotransmitter and hormonal production. A hormonal imbalance caused by birth control pills would lead to a reduction of vaginal mucus and vaginal wall thinning, which results in penetration pain and abrasion.
Chronic exposure to birth control medications will stimulate the female reproductive system to overproduce prostaglandin E-2. Excessive amounts of prostaglandin E-2 weaken the vaginal immunity and increase the risk for vaginal infections. Many women have reported that most antibiotics are not effective for these types of infections. Making matters worse, a chronic vaginal infection with accelerated vaginal atrophy can lead to additional problems, including intercourse, orgasm cramps, and/or a total loss of sex drive.  [1]
How This Formula Can Help
This herbal formula can finally put a stop to this vicious cycle. Liver strengthening and rejuvenating herbs such as Bupleurum Chinense, Rehmannia glutinosa, Dong Quai, and Fenugreek will increase the effectiveness of the detoxification process. Various hormone-based birth control byproduct chemicals will gradually be expelled. Then Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Fenugreek, and Mexican Wild Yam will provide various phyto-hormones that will increase the good prostaglandin E-1 and reduce the bad prostaglandin E-2.
Prostaglandin E-1 will improve the support of the uterine tissues and ligaments, replenish critical androgen hormones and help to improve vaginal elasticity. The overall result is the alleviation of intercourse and orgasm cramps. Curculigo, Cullen corylifolium, Rehmannia Glutinosa, and Dong Quai will provide the necessary nutrients and stimulation for vaginal tissue rejuvenation and repair. Eventually vaginal scar formulation will be dissolved, restoring the vagina to its former youthful state.
^1 MD Mitchell, AP Flint, J Bibby, JBrunt, JM Arnold, AB Anderson, and AC Turnbull, Rapid increases in plasma prostaglandin concentrations after vaginal examination and amniotomy, Br Med J. 1977 November 5; 2(6096): 1183–1185.

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