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Thiele Massage For Interstitial Cystitis & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Thiele Massage, named after its creator Dr. Thiele, treats and eases interstitial cystitis, pelvic floor pain and dysfunction. The Theile technique, developed during the Second World War, involves massaging the vagina and holding a pressure-release point (usually for 15 seconds at a time) over the levator ani, obturator internus, and piriformis muscles.

Dr. Thiele believed that his massaging technique stimulated and strengthened muscular support of the bladder. 

Various massage techniques have since been developed based on Dr. Thiele’s principle and approach. Most of these techniques involve

  • Direct myofascial release
  • Muscle energy techniques
  • Joint mobilization
  • Strengthening, stretching, & neuromuscular realignment
A total of 21 women, each with documented interstitial cystitis and high-tone pelvic floor dysfunction, underwent transvaginal massage using the Thiele technique twice a week for five weeks. A significant improvement was seen in the Symptom and Problem Indexes of the O'Leary-Sant Questionnaire.
Doctors from Cooper Hospital and the New Jersey Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine concluded that the Thiele massage appears to improve irritable bladder symptoms in patients with interstitial cystitis and high-tone pelvic floor dysfunction.[1]

1. Oyama IA, Rejba A, Lukban JC, Fletcher E, Kellogg-Spadt S, Holzberg AS, Whitmore KE., Modified Thiele massage as therapeutic intervention for female patients with interstitial cystitis and high-tone pelvic floor dysfunction., Urology. 2004 Nov;64(5):862-5.

Thiele Massage, named after its creator Dr. Thiele, treats and eases interstitial cystitis, pelvic floor pain and dysfunction. The Theile technique, developed during the Second World War, involves massaging the vagina and holding a pressure-release point (usually for 15 seconds at a time) over the levator ani, obturator internus, and piriformis muscles.

Dr. Thiele believed that his massaging technique stimulated and strengthened muscular support of the bladder. 

Various massage techniques have since been developed based on Dr. Thiele’s principle and approach. Most of these techniques involve

  • Direct myofascial release
  • Muscle energy techniques
  • Joint mobilization
  • Strengthening, stretching, & neuromuscular realignment
A total of 21 women, each with documented interstitial cystitis and high-tone pelvic floor dysfunction, underwent transvaginal massage using the Thiele technique twice a week for five weeks. A significant improvement was seen in the Symptom and Problem Indexes of the O'Leary-Sant Questionnaire.
Doctors from Cooper Hospital and the New Jersey Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine concluded that the Thiele massage appears to improve irritable bladder symptoms in patients with interstitial cystitis and high-tone pelvic floor dysfunction.[1]
1. Oyama IA, Rejba A, Lukban JC, Fletcher E, Kellogg-Spadt S, Holzberg AS, Whitmore KE., Modified Thiele massage as therapeutic intervention for female patients with interstitial cystitis and high-tone pelvic floor dysfunction., Urology. 2004 Nov;64(5):862-5.

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Blog ID: 63723

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