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Advanced Aswini Mudra Yoga

Improved from Aswini Mudra, Advanced Aswini Mudra Yoga can help rejuvenate the health of vaginal tissue. Vaginal tissue, once aged or damaged, can ruin sexual experiences for both men and women.
Advanced Aswini Mudra Yoga, unlike the Kegel exercise, requires more than just repeated contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. The technique creates and channels energy through different organs using various meridian channels.
For beginners, this technique can help relax the buttock muscles, sphincter, perineum, and the pelvic region. When bio-energy flows to the spinal cord, the technique can help rejuvenation vaginal tissue.

Posture Procedure

Practice this posture under normal breathing. Make sure your bladder is empty, and do not perform the technique after eating. 

  1. Close your eyes and relax
  2. Fold the legs at a 90 degree angle
  3. Move the legs toward the waist and press the thighs against your stomach
  4. Focus on the anus region
  5. Contract and expand the anus eight times
  6. Straighten the legs
  7. Repeat steps one through six eight times
Additional Tips

Listen to relaxing music or sounds of nature. For more advance practitioners, allow the bioenergy from the lower abdominal to flow through the anus region and up to the spinal cord.
any women with issues of vaginal looseness saw improved tissue and muscle recovery by performing this technique while taking VRD Formula II.

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Blog ID: 63716

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