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Botanical Formula to Detoxify & Intensify Orgasms

Environmental toxins and metabolite byproducts from birth control medications contribute to chronic problems related to sensuality, including the loss of sex drive and the inability to achieve a fulfilling orgasm. Hormone-based birth control pills disrupt the ovarian functions by flooding them with excessive metabolized forms of estrogen and progesterone.

Worse, an over-abundance of metabolized estrogen and byproducts can accumulate in the liver and uterus, interfering and disrupting the normal biofeedback production as well as the interaction between various female hormones, such as oxytocin and progesterone that also lead to various severe health problems & abnormal cell growth.

It is critical to take herbal detox formula containing powerful liver enhancing herbs to expel toxins, restore hormonal balance, long missed orgasm, and sexual radiance that made you an attractive woman.

Build up of Toxins 
Besides birth control medications (pills, patches, shots, morning after pills), other metabolic byproducts and toxins from recreational drugs such as marijuana and prescription drugs (OTC painkillers, ADD drugs, antidepressants, SSRI, antibiotics) can build up in the adipose tissues, making it difficult for the liver to remove these poisons.

Oxytocin, secreted during the caressing and embracing of intimacy, releases and contracts the uterus while the secretion of sex hormones lubricates the vagina. Toxic buildups can hindered these actions and result in low sexual desire and unattainable orgasms.
What the Formula Does
Eliminate these toxins from your system. Try alternative natural methods of birth control. Also, take a specialized herbal formula to cleanse your body from toxin residue.
Bupleurum, Milk Thistle, Rehmannia, and Shilajit enhance liver functions by detoxifying the organ, while Curculiogo, Cnidium, and Catuaba secrete oxytocin, progesterone, estrogen, and dopamine properly to relax the vaginal and uterine muscles.

These herbs also improved the cervical and clitoral tissues for better blood circulation. Proper endocrine regulation will be restored to ensure various key biofeedback mechanisms controlling hormonal cascades are functioning like the good-old days.

Together, these herbs will increase the production of prostaglandins and restore your orgasms back to normal. Being healthy inside out will make and restore the attractiveness that was long due.
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63704

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