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Jelqing Technique For Bigger Penis Size

From pumps and pills to weights and injections, penile enlargement methods all promise the same outcome—a larger penis. Some methods provide nutrients and natural hormones to expand tissue and pump more blood to the penis, while techniques stretch the skin and massage the tissue to receive more blood.

Jelqing, one of the earliest enlargement techniques, originated in the Middle East as a means to prepare boys for sexual maturity. Today, Jelqing remains one of the most well-known and most practiced enlargement techniques.

Technique Overview
Jelqing involves the “milking” of the penis to grow tissue and redirect blood to the corpus cavernosum, the penile chambers that hold blood. By expanding the tissue and sending more blood to the corpus cavernosum, the penis expands in length and girth. And while several variants of the technique exist, the safest method remains using the thumb and the index finger to perform the motions necessary for expansion.
When wrapped around the penis, the fingers will slide upward to force blood into the penile gland (the top of the penis). When performed in excess, however, Jelqing can cause bruising, tissue ruptures, penile curvature and impotence, so we advise users to practice with caution.
Basic Jelqing: A Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Rub lubrication (for enhanced results, use an herbal remedy) on your hands and your penis. The lubrication will provide friction-less motions that reduce the chances of injury.
  2. Maintain your erection at “half mast,” not hard but not soft. At this stage, the penis will receive improved levels of blood that will pump into the penile gland.
  3. Use your thumb and index finger to form an “O” shape, which will grip the base of your penis.
  4. Slide your thumb and index finger upward to create a “milking” motion.
  5. Slide your fingers up toward the head of the penis and release your grip.
  6. Repeat steps three through five for four to five minutes.
Advance Jelqing: A Step-by-Step Guide
Advanced Jelqing, as with basic, includes the similar motions, except men perform the technique using both hands. Advance Jelqing, however, can cause men to ejaculate if done too quickly. To eliminate the chances of an early ejaculation, men will need to perform the motions at a moderate pace. Men may want to try Botanical Concotion for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation if they experience early ejaculations while performing Advance Jelqing.
  1. Rub lubrication (for enhanced results, use an herbal remedy) to your hands and your penis. The lubrication will provide friction-less motions that reduce the chances of injury.
  2. Maintain your erection at “half mast,” not hard but not soft. At this stage, the penis will receive improved levels of blood that will pump into the penile gland.
  3. Use your thumb and index finger to form an “O” shape, which is needed to grip the base of your penis.
  4. Slide your thumb and index finger upward to create a “milking” motion. 
  5. Slide your fingers up toward the head of the penis and release your grip.
  6. Use your other hand to perform the same gripping and sliding motion to pump blood into the base of the penis.
  7. Repeat steps three through six for 10 minutes.
Technique at a Glance
  • Jelqing, similar to masturbation, can develop into an addiction.
  • Men who suffer from sexual exhaustion symptoms, i.e., hair loss, weak erections or low sex drive, should not attempt Jelqing.
  • Attempting Jelqing without the use of lubrication can lead to bruising.
  • Squeezing the penis too tight can also cause bruising.
For Enhanced Results
Jelqing, like all penile techniques and solutions, may not work for everyone. Men looking for enhanced results should try these solutions or techniques in addition to Jelqing.

Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth May Be Helpful For Men Who
  • Experience penile shrinkage of 1.25 inches or more
  • Suffer from penis and testicular pain
  • Notice hair loss caused by DHT
Penile Girth Growth Technique May Be Helpful For Men Who 
  • Want to enhance their girth
  • Wish for a more "muscular" looking penis
Massaging the X-Spot May Be Helpful For Men Who 
  • Were born with a small penis
  • Notice shrinkage because of a buildup of plaque from injuries caused by excessive masturbation
  • Experience shrinkage of 10 percent or more
  • Wish to increase the growth factors for penile chamber enhancement
  • Desire to enhance the elastic sponge tissue of the penis chamber 
  • Want to rejuvenate parasympathetic nerves for erection firmness
Increase Your Size with Deer Antler May Be Helpful For Men Who
  • Want to recover from cartilage and tendon injuries  
  • Wish to increase endurance and strength 
  • Look to improve testosterone levels 
Q: How Many Times A Day Can I Perform Jelqing?
A: No more than three times in a day.
Q: How Many Weeks Before I Experience Results?
A: Every male is different. When combined with supplements and herbal lotions, males can experience results in as little as three months. 

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观看次数: 73


笔记编号: 63686

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