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Nature’s Gift for Healthier Heart & Better Love Life

Good Fats Do Not Harm Your Penis
In the 1970s only 3.5 percent of indigenous people from Greenland died of heart disease. What’s even more interesting is these indigenous folk consumed an upwards of 600 grams of fat per day. The emergence of this fact left scientists startled, confused and intrigued. After a closer inspection, scientists found the fat overages were mostly from fish and seals that contained high dosages of Omga-3 fatty acids.

For individuals battling high blood pressure and erectile dysfunctions, Omega-3 fatty acids act like hormones that balance high blood pressure, reduce triglycerides and prevent aging arteries.
What It Is Formulated To Do:
  • Help to fix soft erection problems caused by aging arteries
  • Improve blood flow to erectile tissues
  • Increase nitric oxide production without side effects
  • Help to sustain erection longer
When Herbs Meet Fish Oils – Love Chemistry Ignited
Together these herbs provide a vital blend that both improve erectile strength and lowers high blood pressure. Here's a brief herb overview:
  • Cindium, together with Curculigo can increase sex drive and penile strength.
  • Epimedium contains icariin, a cGMP-specific PDE-5 inhibitor that helps maintain an erection.
  • Omega-3 lowers triglyceride levels and improves serotonin levels.
  • Sarsaparilla Jamaican is capable of increasing the production of testosterone while lowering blood pressure.
Curculigo, Cnidium, Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia), Schisandra Berry, Rehmannia Glutinosa, Epimedium, and Herba Cistanchi are blended together to complement the action of the Omega-3 fatty acids (either from fish oil or flax seed). When combined together, these herbs (Sarsaparilla Jamaican, Epimedium, Schisandra)  and Omega acids increase testosterone levels and nitric oxide production while improving the serotonin levels that help men improve sexual endurance, even for youths.
[More Details +]

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