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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
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Feel The Stiffness with Cynomorium

The pulsating sensation of an orgasm can engulf a woman in sweat—and bliss. Women can experience this bliss over and over and over again. Men, not so fortunate. Once a man finishes, he needs some time to catch his breath and regain his erectile capacity. Most men can last a decent 20-45 minutes before ejaculating; others 5-10 minutes.
For the latter group, impeding an orgasm becomes a cumbersome task. At times, men who suffer from premature ejaculation often become too stimulated during sex. The stimulation often ruins their sexual relationship with partners because they cannot finish the job.

Dysfunctional Men

The libido, powered by a man’s dopamine-nervous function, releases oxytocin to keep the mood going. When dopamine sees a dearth in production, men start to feel a cooked noodle in their pants rather than a rock-hard cucumber. But what causes low dopamine levels? Stress, age, even masturbation can all lead to a reduced production in dopamine, leading to some serious erectile problems.

Feel The Wood

For men with E.D., the main concern is reclaiming their manhood to return to sex once again. Luck for guys, Cynomorium can help boost erectile capacity thanks to its blood flow-enhancing properties. Known by its Chinese herbal name, Suo Yang, Cynomorium means Firmly Locked Male Bioenergy, which directly implies stiffness for men suffering from weak erection and venous leaks.

Cynomorium, found peppered throughout Southwest Asia, enhances the sensitivity of the penile gland while improving blood flow to the chambers. Because of this, Cynomorium works wonders for men suffering from erectile issues.

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Blog ID: 63666

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