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Ways to Ignite Your Passion and Desire Again

A normal sex life is an integral part of a healthy and loving relationship. The so-called “irreconcilable differences” between the parties of many divorced couples begins in the bedroom. Often, those differences equate to a lack of sexual desires with a spouse.

If you have lost the desire to make love to your significant other, chances are he will soon lose interest in you, too. Rekindle your passion again and prevent going through a divorce court.

Herbal Rescues

There are many surprising ways that herbal companions can rescue your love life. Oxytocin is best known for its role in inducing labor and can also influence an individual's ability to bond with others. Locking fingers and gently touching your loved one can release the oxytocin that can promote closeness and sexual arousal.

It has been known herbal blend of Catuaba, Damiana, Epimedium, Mucuna Pruriens, Muira Puama, and Pyrola are known to increase blood circulation to the genital area, with even more release of oxytocin can be achieved when the act comes as a surprise.

Fatigue and Stress Kill Your Mood

Stress and fatigue result in the prime reason most couples refuse to have sex. Individuals with full-time jobs tend to have less sex than those with only a part-time. Relax and create a romantic mood for you and your loved one. A romantic candlelight dinner is a good start. Try pheromone candles. A sensual aroma like Ylang Ylang can arouse your olfactory senses to a new level. Giving each other back rubs is a great way to relax from stress and will naturally lead to sex.

Start with A Romantic French Kiss

Kissing is a great way to trigger sexual desire. Besides, kissing each day will help keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva secretion for lowering the leve of acids that cause cavity.

Feeling Sluggish and Overweight

Exercise not only does a body good, but according to studies, people who exercise often tend to be more comfortable having sex with their partners. Being overweight harms your self-esteem and decreases your libido. Too much fat in the body can produce excess estrogen production and ruin the harmony between hormones. Fluctuation in hormones can trigger mood swings and diminish sex drive.

Change your diet by consuming more fiber-rich foods. Eat more fresh and organic produce and hormone-free dairy. Make time to exercise a few times a week. If you find yourself having trouble lossing weight, consult our experts for a list of nutritious foods that can expel toxins out of your body and help you lose or maintain weight.

Loose Vagina?

Those once tight contractions that you once drove him crazy weaken over time. However, hormone imbalances can weaken these muscles much sooner than expected. A youthful, tight vagina can grip the penis with little lubrication. But for many women, chronic usage of birth control pills or vibrators has damaged the neuro-endocrine system in the genital area. Try VRD Formula II Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Vaginal Looseness to rejuvenate your vaginal sponge tissue for better elasticity.

Have A Glass of Red Wine

Give her a glass of red wine. Research has found that red wine has a high level of polypenols that help increase the dilation of blood vessels and blood flow to the genital area. Women who drink a glass of red wine daily reported a higher level of libido and vaginal lubrication compared to those who randomly sipped alcoholic beverages.

Remember too much of a good thing can be bad! More than one glass of red wine can extinguish sexual desire.

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