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Anti-Aging Solution for Erectile Tissues

As we age, liver function weakens. Adrenal glands produce more cortisol, epinephrine, and less DHEA and HGH, while toxins accumulate and invoke inflammatory responses throughout the body. Prostaglandin E-2, a neuro-endocrine compound, begins to form in abundance, damaging erectile tissues and affecting the quality of an erection. (Learn: Aging & E.D and Impotence caused by Male Menopause.)

Herbs in this formula enhance the quality of an erection. The formula enables blood to flow into the penis regardless if an individual has poor vascular activity caused by high anxiety, age or poor diet.

With lower functional testosterone, men will experience
  • Poor sexual performance
  • Soft erections
  • Lower sexual desires
  • Cognitive decline
  • Chronic fatigue

Supplement Formulated To Fix Aging Penis Tissues & Low Testosterone Based On These Healing Herbs:

How Diet Ages Arteries and Tissues

Sugary foods and high cholesterol levels cause the liver to produce an enzyme called aromatase, which promotes testosterone-estrogen conversion. When too much of the enzyme is present, the body lowers its testosterone levels and increases estrogen production. High cholesterol levels leave behind a residue in the arteries called plaque. Think of plaque as a napkin ball stuck inside a vacuum’s suction tool. The ball impedes the proper suction of air. As with the napkin, plaque slows the flow of blood. Slowed blood flow is usually accompanied by another side effect: high blood pressure.

Your blood vessels are like mini tires. The more pressure you apply to them, the more you risk causing them damage. Too much pressure can rupture tires, and too much blood pressure can weaken arteries. When men have a poor diet, they not only have higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels, but also weaker pituitary glands. Weakened pituitary glands release more prolactin and less oxytocin. Prolactin acts as a seesaw that balances the effects of dopamine, a chemical responsible for arousal. If prolactin remains too high, the chemical dilutes the effects of dopamine so much that the body cannot produce enough arousal for an erection. Simultaneously, oxytocin levels see a reduction, causing a decrease in erectile capacity. When prolactin levels rise while oxytocin levels are reduced, the body produces less testosterone and nitric oxide, two essential chemicals used to stimulate the penis.

The Age Factor

Aging can lead to high levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which lower testosterone levels. Produced in the liver and testes, SHBG protects and transports sex hormones throughout the body. High SHBG levels bind to functional testosterone making it unavailable to healthy tissue (even if test results have shown normal testosterone levels). When bound to testosterone, SHBG inhibits the re-growth of erectile tissues, leading to impotence problems among older men. [1] [2]

The Herb Breakdown
  • Avena Sativa regulates testosterone production while decreasing SHBG. By decreasing SHBG levels, men can experience improved erectile strength to combat the decline in testosterone.
  • Cnidium increases sex drive.
  • Cuscuta may increase the production of Nitric Oxide Synthease (nNOS and eNOS) and intra-cavernosal pressure (ICP), helping achieve a harder and fuller erection.
  • Dioscorea and Maca both contain diosgenin, a naturally occurring chemical that functions as a precursor to the body’s production of DHEA. Diosgenin is too an important factor in the natural formation of the DHEA (dehydroepiandrosteron), which helps keep individuals looking youthful while controlling the production of sex hormones.[3]
  • Epimedium contains nutrients known to increase HGH levels, which help replace aging or damaged erectile tissue. Epimedium also contains monoamine oxidase inhibiting properties that can help intensify dopamine and norepinephrine, neurochemicals altered by age.
  • Deer Antler contains essential growth factors to support the pituitary’s construction as well as emission of HGH.


  1. ^Kronenberg HM, Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, eds., Williams Textbookof Endocrinology. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2008.
  1. ^Gray A, Feldman HA, McKinlay JB, Longcope C. Age, disease, and changing sex hormone levels in middle-aged men: results of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 99; 73;1016-25.
  1. ^Leowattana W., DHEA(S): the fountain of youth., J Med Assoc Thai. 2001 Oct;84 Suppl 2:S605-12.
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观看次数: 66


笔记编号: 63622

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