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A Candle-Buying Guide for BDSM Couples

It’s a 2.3 billion-dollar industry. In comparisons to the automotive or petroleum industries, it’s small, but this billion-dollar juggernaut remains a firmly entrenched powerhouse.

While most would never guess the candle industry to rake in that kind of money, this business known for its smells and its various shapes sees a ripe future. For everyday users, candles provide decadent aromas and opportunities for romance and of course--sex.
While most couples enjoy lighting a few candles before and during sex, some individuals prefer to pour the hot wax on their partners. Known as a characteristic of BDSM, hot wax provides couples a steamy, adrenaline-filled experience that encapsulates both pain and pleasure.

Couples looking to maximize this experience, may want to discover the candles ideal for BDSM.

Pain and Pleasure: Understanding Why Couples Enjoy Hot Candle Wax

Some individuals love hot wax spread across the genitals, breast and even buttock. Whether you choose to spread the wax across the genitals or along the breast, the pleasure-pain occurs because of adrenaline. Let'sexplain:
Sensory receptors along the skin detect the hot substance. When the skin senses the hot wax, the nervous system experiences a fast, throbbing pain. The body thrusts itself into a “flight or fight” stage that increases oxygen, blood flow and serotonin (a chemical that causes pleasure). The release of histamine, serotonin and prostaglandin to the injured area reduces the pain. After the initial shock, the nervous system releases adrenaline that causes pleasure.

Candles for BDSM

Most individuals enjoy particular types of candles. Sure, you can purchase  your everyday, run-at-the-mill candles from the store, but you’re limiting your potential for pleasure. Remember, the candle industry is a 2 billion dollar industry, and candle makers earn big bucks thanks to the variety of options. BDSM lovers may enjoy

Lickable Candles:

Candles that when poured on the body can be ingested. Imagine pouring the hot wax across your partner’s buttock, watching your man or woman shout in pain, but sigh in pleasure. Then, you place your tongue right against his or her beautiful butt cheek to lick the remaining wax.
Scented Candles:

From coconut to sugar cookie, the flavors and concoctions candle makers create are endless. Sure, you can purchase scentless candles, but you want to encourage aromatherapy. Pouring a bit of wax against your partner's body  while smelling the decadent aromas can provide pleasure for your guy or girl--not to mention the benefits of sromatherapy.
Drip Candles:

Traditional candles gather wax inside the stick, forcing you to pour the desired amount onto your partner. Sometimes you can pour too much or too little. For men and women interested in a more accurate pouring, drip candles are made for you. Each drip candle pours a portion of wax to give couples the ideal amount of pain and pleasure during their wax-play sessions.

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