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Handcuffs: A Simple Solution for A Dull Sex Life

Place your hands behind your back, ladies and gentlemen, because you’re under arrest. Handcuffs may seem simple, but these devices integrate seamlessly into your sex life, offering variety and exploration. Positions that felt boring are given new life thanks to handcuffs. Positions once thought unheard of or unexplored, now provide variety to a stale sex life.

Whether you use traditional metallic cuffs or more vibrant restraints, such as neon pink cuffs with fuzzy laces, men and women can find these toys a welcomed addition to any sexual relationship. 

Handcuffs: Before They Became a Bedroom Staple

Modern-day handcuffs haven’t changed much since the 19th century. Before then, handcuffs were more ridge and painful. Men and women restrained by pre-19th century cuffs often felt pain, while the individual placing the cuffs on found removing them impossible. As the restraints took new form, easier placement and removal of the cuffs made them more comfy.

Today, cuffs come in every color and made from every type of material, from plastic and metallic to fuzzy-covered bracelets. And with a cheap price, cuffs make for a welcomed addition to anyone’s bedroom experience.

Benefits: Why Spending a Few Dollars Can Make Sex Memorable

Spending a few dollars today can save your sex life tomorrow. Seems outrageous, but couples agree, that changes to their traditional sex routines help ensure the sex stays exciting. Handcuffs add the simple change necessary for an improved sex life. The benefits include

  • Improved sex positions
  • Enhanced stimulation during sex
  • Restraint for submissive men and women 
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63600

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