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Vaginal Lubricants Guide - A Solution for the Desert Between Your Legs

During your 20s and 30s, your body remains at the height of its sexual peak. Your hormones remain high; your sex drive, higher. When you enter your 40s and 50s, your once fruitful sex drive looks more like a poorly written story with no climax—it lacks excitement, any memorable experiences or anything worth mentioning.

Your poor sex life can be directly attributed to age. And what once was a

fulfilling sex life has transformed into a poor melodrama. For ladies, this melodrama can become even worse thanks to the depleted hormone levels that remove sexual desires and increase vaginal dryness. As ladies age, the biggest complaint remains the inability to produce vaginal moisture.

Keeping Things Wet and Wild

A common excuse for the lack of moisture: I just don’t feel the same sexual excitement as before. Sure, if sex maintained the same excitement in your 60s as it did in your 20s, you might see a bit more moisture. Unfortunately, the depletion of estrogen from the body keeps ladies from enjoying the experience. With decreases to both estrogen and progesterone, ladies cannot produce much moisture to minimize pain. Instead, ladies need to turn toward other methods ideal for keeping the body well oiled.


Vaginal Lubricants for a Pain-Free Experience

Lubricants come in all shapes, sizes and consistencies, but the best kinds meet the following: long-lasting effects, improved pleasure and pain prevention. If any of these principles goes missing, the lubricant earns itself a reputation reserved for products at your local dollar stores—cheap and forgettable.

Lubricants that prove their value—like the ones listed below—grant ladies with a more memorable experience that makes every penny worth the price. From the long-lasting affects to the improved sensation, these vaginal lubes provide sexual satisfaction robbed by Father Time.

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Blog ID: 63589

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