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Bedroom Games: A Solution for Improved Sex Lives

Think of how many times you’ve engaged in the same sex position over the years? Most couples tend to follow a routine. They become trained to perform the same positions during the same hours of the day, like pets following orders from their owners. The habits form and they lead to repetition, boredom and frustration.

Thanks to sex games, couples can change their relationship dynamic. Couples can explore, prepare and alter their traditional moves and venture toward new activities and higher levels of stimulation.

Eliminating Routines, Finding New Forms of Pleasure

Sex games accomplish two goals: break habits and improve pleasure. The first is easier to accomplish than the second. Whether it’s games such as truth or dare or foreplay books, these games and activities encourage couples to explore their sexuality in ways they never imagined. For example, Hot Beaver cards ask couples to explore Cunnilingus options. A man can be licking the vagina one minute, and the next, exploring options to pleasure a woman. Hot Beaver cards give you options, encourage exploration and add ideas to your fleeting arsenal of moves.

Improved Techniques: A Tryst for The Dull Sex Life

Your technique could use some improvement. You’re okay at sex. Okay is forgettable. Okay is like being an intramural athlete—not good enough for the college team, too good for pickup games. Your skill won’t get your name in the papers or lead to throngs of people chanting your name. You’re just okay. Sex games elevate your skill level by encouraging you to see sex in a new perspective. You get challenged to explore sex. You’re forced to perform old moves from different angles. For example, Foreplay Your Way Game, encourages—and requires—couples to spend more foreplay, elevating a woman’s and a man’s orgasm satisfaction.

Whether you’re after foreplay tips or new ideas for sex, these games help novices and veterans alike find new and exciting options for sex. If you see your sex life could use a boost of encouragement, discover how with these games can assist.

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Blog ID: 63583

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