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Seminal & Bladder Control Secret Formulation for Him

Astragalus, Lycium Fruit, Codonopsis, Dong Quai, Cimicifuga, and water-soluble Pumpkin Seed extracts produce tissue-building effects on the pelvic floor muscles, while natural hormones such as progesterone and testosterone levels are restored through molecular and enzymatic mechanisms.[1] [2]

Formula Overview

This formula can preserve and proliferate testosterone production naturally while inhibiting aromatase enzyme, which prevents testosterone from converting to Estradiol.

Estradiol, known to enlarge the prostate, was found in higher dosages with men dealing with prostate issues, according to the research findings from Dr. Rohrmann.

Water-soluble pumpkin seed extract, a key ingredient in the formula, reduces urine excretion frequency by 54.5%, according to one experimental study done on anesthetized rats. [3] [5]

Formulated To Seminal Leakage & Urinary Incontinence Based On These Healing Herbs:

Nitric Oxide Benefits

Increased levels of Nitric Oxide relaxes muscles around the bladder wall and reduces the urge to urinate.

Research has also shown that the herbal ingredient in this formula can interact with the androgen receptors on pelvic muscle cells, strengthening or enhancing the coordination of these cells.[1] [2] [4]


^1 Terado T et al., Clinical Study of mixed processed foods containing pumpkin seed extract and soybean germ extract on pollikiuria in night in elderly men., Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences 52 (4):551-561., 2004
^2 Sogabe H. and Terado T, Open Clinical Study of Effects of Pumpkin See Extract/Soybean Germ Extract Mixture-containing Processed Food on Nocturia, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science 2001 Nov; 46(5):727-37
^3 Rohrmann S, Nelson WG, Rifai N, et al. Serum sex steroid hormones and lower urinary tract symptoms in Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). Urology. 2007 Apr;69(4):708-13.
^4 Yanagisawa, Ei et al., Study of Effectiveness of Mixed Processed Food Containing Cucurbita Pepo Seed Extract and Soybean Seed Extract on Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women, Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science 14; No. 3:313 – 322, 2003.
^5 Hata K. Effects of pumpkin seed extract on urinary bladder function in anesthetized rats. Medical Science and Pharmaceutical Science. 2005;54(3): 339-45.

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