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Witch Hazel for Hemorrhoids and Rectal Irritation

Bleeding, swelling, painful bowel movements and discomfort while sitting seem like conditions caused by a severe issue, but these symptoms belong to hemorrhoids. According to Harvard Health Publications, by age 50 half of all adults will experience hemorrhoids at least once.

For individuals who try anal sex, the percentage of people affected increases and the age drops by about half. While hemorrhoids may not plague everyone who tries anal, frequent practitioners might notice a higher risk of swelling, bleeding and painful bowel movements, common symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Individuals who notice blood or swelling of the veins should take Witch Hazel, a powerful astringent that reduces bruising and swelling. While common for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and hemorrhoids, Witch Hazel proves effective at eliminating the itchiness from poison ivy and for treating swollen varicose veins associated with hemorrhoids.

Herb Overview and How It Works

Witch Hazel contains astringent properties that shrink mucous membranes. Astringents too protect skin proteins while drying and hardening tissue that prevent inflammation.

Because anal sex increases the risks of cuts, bruising and tears to the anal tissue, the revitalization and improvement to the elasticity of tissues help prevent hemorrhoids. Thanks to Witch Hazel’s ability to improve skin health and reduce inflammation, doctors recommend the herb for the reduction of pain and discomfort.

Product Comparison: Finding What’s Right for Me

Witch Hazel comes in various forms, from concentrated liquids to pads. Individuals who experience hemorrhoids from anal sex may want to follow this guide for choosing the best Witch Hazel product.

Pads or Liquid: You’ll want to choose pads over liquid. Pads allow for an easier application than liquids, especially to areas around your anal cavity. Pads slip onto toilet paper for faster application than concentrated liquid. Individuals who use concentrated Witch Hazel will require cotton pads before applying onto hemorrhoids.

Addition of Aloe: Witch Hazel can eliminate pain and discomfort, but when a formula combines with Aloe Vera, the skin can feel smoother and healthier. Look for products that contain both Aloe Vera and Witch Hazel for the most effective treatment for hemorrhoids.

Additional Treatment

Individuals who experience consistent bleeding and discomfort should consult a physician. If the bleeding and pain continue, you could be experiencing a more severe form of hemorrhoids that require surgery. If symptoms subside, you may resume your normal sexual activity.


Q: How Long Do I Need to Apply Witch Hazel For?
A: Most individuals experience a reduction of pain and discomfort after three days of applying the astringent.

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Blog ID: 63529

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