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The Dangers of Jelqing Exercises

His use of jelqing exericisings have caused server penile damage.

Case #: 29919


I remember once saying “I'd try anything to improve my penis size.” I remember quickly changing my mind once I saw some of the ludicrous methods that existed. I could never try penile injections; needles scare me. Penis pumps seemed painful—and dangerous.

But jelqing exercises seemed safe—and easy to use. I found a website that explained everything in detail, i.e., the steps, the duration, the FAQs. I read the testimonials. I was convinced by the overwhelming reverence of each individual story. Even the videos were persuasive enough to get me to try the exercises. I followed the procedures. I asked questions.

OMG, I even saw results. I was happy; even my wife was thrilled. Then, as quickly as my newfound size came, other problems took over. I lost sensitivity to my penis. Getting hard was a task (before, even the slightest breeze could get me erect). Now, I spend minutes trying to get hard. I cannot have sex. I cannot release my pent up frustrations. I cannot even please my wife. Please, what can I do?


Lots of men dream and wish for a larger, thicker penis. Some dream; others take action. Now, taking steps to enhance your size is nothing to feel shameful of. The problem is when those actions become the problem—as in your case.

Jelqing is a dangerous stretch used by damaging the tissue of the penis in order to initiate the re-growth and enhancement of the tissue size to give the apperance of a larger penis. Except too often the penis suffers from intense bruising, causing a number of problems.

The Dangers of Jelqing

Jelqing, like most penile stretches, overstretches the nerves and tissues in your penis. Think of your penis as a rubber band being overstretched to a point it just rips. Jelqing damages the tunica albuginea, spongy corpus cavernosa and corpus spongisosum of the penis, resulting in scar tissue to form over the tissue.

Once scar tissue takes hold, your erections start to weaken, mostly because you can no longer feel any sensation as you once did. Now, your once strong and vigorous erections resemble a tube sock flapping in the wind.

Return to Normal

In your position, you feel worried, depressed, and even angry over engaging in the exercises. Your indignation is shared by millions of men who have been duped by the same promises. Still, you can do something about it.

Since the tissue and nerve endings took damage, your body will need the necessary vitamins to repair these areas. First thing to do is to stop (obviously) the exercises. Your damaged nerve endings and tissue will take months to heal, but taking all-natural supplements can reduce the recovery time.

In order to heal, the tissue and nerve endings need vitamins. All-natural supplements for Penile Injury & Damaged Repair provide the body with the necessary supplements to help eliminate scar tissue, repair the nerve endings, and heal bruising.

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观看次数: 90


笔记编号: 62595

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