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No More Hard Erection After Prostatitis Treatment

Here's a disturbing story of a guy who sometimes masturbated more than 5 times each day, until he discovered that his trusty erection has deserted him. Read along to see what he did, and what you can do if you have a similar issue.

Case #: 469


I have been masturbating since I was 12. I was intrigued and thrilled by how masturbation felt at first. Since then, I have been unable to control my urges. I must masturbate on average 4-5 times—a day! In the last few years though, I noticed a major problem, I cannot get an adequate erection any more. I did what any frightened man would do: I went to the doctor. I spoke to my physician and he said I had a common case of Prostatis, with some enlargement. He gave me medication and now the inflammation seems to have been reduced. Still, my problem persists—I cannot gain a rock-hard erection as before. What’s wrong with me?


We've Been Friends For Years!

It's been your most loyal friend since puberty hit. A comfort on lonely nights (hot, cold, or “just right”). And, of course, “everybody else is doing it!” Masturbation, in the abstract, is a perfectly viable way to relieve stress, be it sexual tension or just the day-to-day stuff.

The only problem is that, above and beyond the obvious loss of semen (no matter how much or how little you produce during each act) and your temporarily elevated mood, masturbation does have an affect on your body. Every part of the mechanism necessary for ejaculation needs time to repair and refuel. The prostate is no exception, and not giving it a chance to recover can eventually lead to serious trouble.

How Could You Do This To Me?

Your prostate gland serves several functions. It produces prostatic fluid, which makes up about half to three quarters of the volume of semen. It houses some of the smooth muscles that “shoot” your ejaculate. It's also one of the few organs in the body that never really stops growing throughout your whole life. Which, unfortunately, is at the root of the problem.

When your doctor says that you have an “enlarged prostate”, what he usually means is that certain groups of cells within the gland have formed new cells faster than necessary, producing benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. These lumpy groups of cells are not, technically, cancer (note the word “benign”), but if you can't shrink them back down to a more manageable size, they can cause some serious problems. Aside from annoying and embarrassing potential situations with urination, they can also prevent enough blood from getting to the parts of your penis that support an erection. Think of it like stepping on a garden hose: you'll still get some flow, but not as much as you'd get without you standing on it.

How Can I Make It Up To You?

Most doctors offer the traditional “drugs or surgery” options to patients with a BPH diagnosis. The commonly-available pharmaceuticals for this situation focus on reducing the enzyme (5-alpha-reductase) that some studies suggest is responsible for enlarging the prostate, but that enzyme is part of the biochemical process that fuels your sex drive. Prostate-reduction surgery runs the risk of accidentally severing the nerve endings that connect the penis and the brain, resulting in permanent impotence. End result? These cures are almost as bad as the disease.

I Bought You Flowers... Well, Botanicals

When you abuse your friends, sometimes they can swell up, get angry, and they don't do what you need them to do; a bouquet of flowers can go a long way toward helping them calm down and getting your relationship back where you need it to be. The powerful herbs from Botanical Prostate Rejuvenation & Detox for Erectile Problems can be just the apology your prostate needs to bring it back to its powerful, efficient self again.

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观看次数: 73


笔记编号: 62160

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