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Penis Stretching May Leave You Feeling Soft

You've probably seen all of the “miracle” penis growth solutions advertised online, but do they actually work? As it turns out, even just stretching your penis can cause long-term damage. Hear one man's unfortunate story, and learn what you can do if you've experienced penis numbness or softness as a result of stretching.

Case #: 419


I remember once saying, “I'd try anything to improve my penis size.” I remember quickly changing my mind once I saw some of the ludicrous methods that existed. I could never try penile injections; needles scare me. Penis pumps seemed painful—and dangerous. But jelqing exercises seemed safe—and easy to use. I found a website that explained everything in detail, i.e., the steps, the duration, the FAQs.

I read the testimonials. I was convinced by the overwhelming reverence of each individual story. Even the videos were persuasive enough to get me to try the exercises. I followed the procedures. I asked questions. Heck, I even saw results. I was happy; even my wife was thrilled. Then, as quickly as my newfound size came, other problems took over. I lost sensitivity to my penis. Getting hard was a task (before, even the slightest breeze could get me erect). Now, I spend minutes trying to get hard. I cannot have sex. I cannot release my pent up frustrations. I cannot even please my wife. Please, what can I do?


So sorry to hear about your problem. I mean, what guy doesn't want more length and girth? The temptation to experiment with home penis growth techniques is tremendous, and the Internet offers no shortage of miracle solutions that promise to add inches to your diminutive shaft.

Unfortunately, though, these miracle solutions are almost always ineffective, and sometimes even dangerous. I fear you've already learned that the hard way.

Why Is This Happening?

Penis stretching, believe it or not, can be very dangerous. It ruptures the blood vessels and bruises the sensitive tissue inside your penis. As this bruising occurs, you will find it more difficult to achieve and maintain an erection, and you may also lose sensitivity and experience numbness in your penis.

The Problem with Jelqing

Jelqing is an ancient penis-stretching technique that promises to add size by forcing blood flow to the tip of the penis. In theory, this causes the member to stretch and expand, resulting in gradual size increase. If it were truly that simple, we would all have a massive, one-eyed monster between our legs. Unfortunately, though, the devastating side effects can greatly outweigh any apparent, short-term benefits.

Jelqing over-stretches the nerves and tissue, causing a layer of scar tissue to form. That's why you find yourself having soft erections and limited sensitivity. Other popular stretching techniques have similar effects. So does this mean that you have to just live with your miniscule manhood? Not necessarily.

The better solution is to skip the stretching altogether and focus on natural remedies to achieve the size that you've always dreamed of.

So Now What Can I Do?

For starters, get your hands off your penis. It's sore and exhausted, and frankly, you aren't helping matters by putting unneeded stress on the nerve endings. Instead, consider a natural, herbal remedy. Even if you've already suffered the consequences of treating your penis like a balloon animal, hope is not lost! Scar tissue can be repaired, and you can improve your size while reversing the damage caused by over-stretching.

Herbs like Dioscorea Opposita, Poria Cocos, Atractylodes Macrocephala  and Soy Isoflavones have been shown to repair nerve damage in little time while promoting healthy blood flow and vitality. This is the most natural way to achieve the extra girth you've been looking for.

Just check out the herbal solutions that are available and see if you can put the power back into your sex life. Additionally, stop the stretching and try to masturbate less often. This alone can have a huge impact. Treat your penis well, and it will provide you with years of unspeakable satisfaction.

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观看次数: 85


笔记编号: 61940

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