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Not So Good: Sexual Insensitivity Caused by Chronic Use of a Vibrator Means Pain During Masturbation

Her only romantic relationship at the moment is with her vibrator, which she frequently uses to bring herself to orgasm. Such repeated use, however, has turned pleasure to pain, and she no longer climaxes because her clitoris and G-spot have grown insensitive.

Case #: 1121


I thought it would be funny if I changed my relationship status on Facebook from “Single” to “In a Relationship with My Vibrator.” It would paint an accurate portrayal of my love life. But aside from my dilapidated love life, my clitoris and G-spot continue to experience immense pain. Anytime I apply any pressure to my pleasure spot, I ache and moan, err, in pain, not pleasure. Now I’m afraid years and years of playtime have permanently ruined me.


It’s easy to think of vibrators, dildos and other sexual stimulants as toys because that’s how they’re portrayed. They appear to be nothing more than instruments designed for pleasure. And as in your situation – being a single woman – what harm can there be in a little self-indulgence? Masturbation is a perfectly normal and healthy act engaged by people around the world.

The situation you’ve fallen into, however, is one of overstimulation. The result is vibrator damage to your genitalia. No permanent harm has yet arisen, but it is in your best interest to take time away from masturbating. The pain you feel is your body’s way of saying it needs a rest.

Insight to the Vagina and Clitoris

The truth is that it can be hard to know when you’ve had too much of a good thing. Sex and masturbation stimulate a release of “feel-good” hormones in the body, chief among which is dopamine. Ironically, dopamine is highly addictive and essentially never satiated. Your drive to engage in frequent masturbation is dopamine’s way of pushing you to repeatedly seek stimulation.

How Sex Toys Cause Damage

Regardless of how it feels, repeated masturbation can damage the nerves and tissues in and around your vagina. The clitoris is especially vulnerable to damage, as it contains more than 8,000 nerve endings connected to more than 15,000 throughout the pelvic region. Stimulating those nerve endings is what produces an oh-so-enjoyable orgasm. But the clitoris was not designed to receive constant pressure. Vibrators, on the other hand, are made for direct contact at intense and pulsating speeds. When used over and over again, at increasingly high speeds to reach climax, sex toys produce sensations beyond what the clit can handle.

To better understand, consider what happens to the skin on your shoulder if somebody keeps rubbing it; that area eventually goes raw, and the pleasure you felt at the onset of touch turns into pain. The same scenario has occurred with your clitoris, which is why you continue to feel pain each time you touch it.

The same is true of the vagina, composed mostly of muscle and soft tissue. Using a dildo or other sex toy eventually desensitizes the nerves until pleasure is eradicated. Sex toys are novelties and, when used with discretion, can easily and quickly bring you to orgasm. But their very nature means they can also cause undo damage.

Alternatives to Toys

The health benefits of masturbation are numerous and include stress relief, relaxation and exploration of your own body. To tell you to stop masturbating altogether would be the same as telling you to stop feeling pleasure, and that’s not necessary. What you do need to do is a break. You should also find ways to achieve orgasm without always using a sex toy. Some women masturbate with their underclothes on to avoid direct and painful contact with their clitoris. Others use their fingers, which is less likely to cause damage than a high-speed vibrator.

Feel Good Again

You can quickly restore your body to health by taking a concentrated herbal tincture. (TRY: Herbal Tincture for Clitoral Revitalization) As opposed to herbal supplements, tinctures transform the medicinal power of herbs into liquid form. They have been used for centuries and are quickly absorbed by your body to promote the healing process. The blend you will want includes such herbs as Jiang and Dong Quai, both of which improve sensitivity so you can once again enjoy “you” time.

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观看次数: 82


笔记编号: 61856

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