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He Was Just 17 – The Painful Consequences Over-Masturbation

At 17 years old, a boy should be dating, applying to colleges and playing X-Box...NOT dealing with severe testicle soreness, weak erections and lower back pain. But that's exactly what happened to one kid, and over-masturbation was to blame. Read the cautionary tale for yourself.

Case #: 683


Hello, I am 17 years-old and I have been experiencing weak erections, lower back pain and testicle pain. When I was 14 and 15, I masturbated 3x times a day until suddenly I started getting weak erections, etc. Lower back pain a lot. I stopped for a year and by the time I was 16 the problem is still going on. I am 17 now and I still experience this. What could I do? What foods can I eat?


Sounds like we have a serious problem on our hands. At 17 years old, you shouldn't be wrestling with lower back pain, weak erections and testicular discomfort. Like all 17-year-old boys, you should be thinking about colleges, future plans, SATs and girls...come to think of it, thinking about girls may be what got you into this mess in the first place.

Too much masturbation can have very negative outcomes, as you have unfortunately learned firsthand.

First, it's important to recognize that your penis is not a PlayStation (although “the PlayStation” would make a great nickname for a penis). If you spend your entire day playing video games, your biggest consequence will be your lack of productive time management. But if you spend your day masturbating, the consequences can be pretty severe. Let's take a look at the science.

Over-Masturbation – Deconstructed

When you masturbate constantly, your body reduces its production of oxytocin, DHEA, testosterone and DHT. Why is this important? Because an underproduction of these chemicals causes an overproduction of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2, which can lead to lower back pain and testicle pain. Additionally, without ample testosterone, your erections are going to become as soft as a freshly baked blueberry muffin.

Getting Your House Back in Order

Based on what we've already established here, the solution is to restore your healthy hormone levels, thereby reducing your prostaglandin E2 production. How do we do that? For starters, take a break from the masturbation for a few weeks, and then remember this very important word: moderation.

Second, I would recommend a botanical solution (SEE: sexual exhaustion herbal treatment) that's specifically designed to treat sexual exhaustion. Herbs like Ashwagandha, Fo Ti and Rehmannia can go a long way in restoring your healthy sexual function.

You also asked about what foods you should eat. This is an excellent question, because diet can absolutely impact your sexual function in a big way. Cranberries can be very useful in treating prostate inflammation and testicle pain, but in general, I would simply recommend that you avoid the processed junk foods and consume plenty of healthy nutrients each day. This will give your body the sustenance that it needs to maintain healthy hormone and neurotransmitter levels.

Most importantly, just remember that too much of a good thing isn't always such a good thing, and you should be okay. You're young, and your best years are still ahead you.

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Blog ID: 61730

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