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Can’t Hold it Back – Problems Associated With Overmasturbation

Let’s check out this interesting case study involving a gentleman who has been overmasturbating over a long period of time. As a result, he has burned out his body’s resources and is now experiencing some unwanted side-effects. How does he recover?

Case #: 830


Since about 8th grade I have been masturbating excessively, about 2 times a day. I sometimes go 3 days without masturbation and my penis gets slightly harder at times but still very weak. I suffer from constant fatigue, loss of memory, and excessive pre-cum. I have also lost size in my penis. Also I suffer from premature ejaculation. I used to be able have sex all the time and even longer after I ejaculated once. Now I ejaculate within a minute regardless. I am so frustrated. Is there any way to fix this problem?


For men, masturbation can be a highly pleasurable and satisfying practice. Whether sitting down in a chair, perhaps watching porn, or lying in bed, either face-down or resting with back against the sheets, different men have different preferences. While most men use their hands for stimulation of their penises, some like to get a little kinky and might make a trip to the sex shop to deviate from the norm. This could result in some men finding pleasure from having sex with blow-up dollies, or even boxes with a plastic vaginas in them which lead into a chamber that simulate a woman’s Hyman opening and vaginal passage.

Help, I’m Stuck!

In your case, you probably began masturbation as a natural discovery of your sexuality, like most kids around that time. But masturbation can become addictive and can eventually lead to some problems.

Every time that you masturbate habitually, you’re depleting your body of a finite amount of sexual hormones such as dopamine, testosterone, and serotonin. Without proper breaks in-between, you’re not giving yourself enough time for your body to reproduce and replace these vital hormones. Overmasturbation also exhausts the all-important neurotransmitters, which do the work of signaling from your brain to Mr. Happy that it’s time to get up and stay up. This in turn places an unhealthy burden on your poor liver, which now weakened, cannot produce enough of these sex hormones to keep up, including serotonin, the primary hormone responsible for shutting off your seminal valve.

You’re also experiencing a host of other issues as a result of your chronic masturbatory habits. So how do we get you back to where you want to be?

The Push You Need

Right away you’ll want to take a break from both sex as well as masturbation. We’re talking a mere 3 week period of abstinence here, not forever. This will initiate your body’s natural healing process. Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise can help to promote blood flow and circulation, and lower your stress levels while raising your energy levels. Also, your head will start to clear and your memory will begin to improve.

You may also be interested in taking a natural herbal formula to help you in your recovery. (TRY: Nourishing Pills for Ejaculatory Nerves) These specialized herbs can help to repair your liver functions, and thereby boost your serotonin levels. They can also help to repair your parasympathetic nervous system, which works in conjunction with those crucial serotonin hormones in holding back your semen until you want to ejaculate. And over time, your penis will begin to return to its normal size. So let’s get you back on track the healthy way.

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Views: 97


Blog ID: 61723

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