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Premature Ejaculation - Is Your Rapid Fire Sex Life Bringing You Down?

Millions of men suffer from premature ejaculation, and it can be a real intimacy killer. Hear one man's story of how too much sex and masturbation ruined his love life, and find out how you can reverse the damage in your own bedroom.

Case #: 441


I love sex. I love it so much that I engage in it whenever I can—with whomever I can. Except I tend to suffer from one exasperating problem: I ejaculate prematurely. I ejaculate prematurely in every sexual encounter. It makes for a very embarrassing scenario—especially when my girlfriend wishes to climax too. I want to mention too that I masturbate frequently. I do it as much as 3 times a day. Could my excessive masturbation have anything to do with my premature ejaculation?


You have stumbled upon one of the cruel paradoxes of human sexuality. Sex is fun, exciting and even healthy when enjoyed in moderation, but it can be awkward, unfulfilling and even painful when indulged excessively. Premature ejaculation is just one of the fun side effects of sexual over-stimulation (that's sarcasm, just in case you couldn't tell), and it can quickly turn a rewarding sex life into an embarrassing ordeal. (...more)

Don't Exhaust Yourself before the Big Race

In college, I attempted my first half-marathon. For four months, I trained 5 days a week to build up my endurance, but I made one serious mistake. The day before the event, I went against the advice of my trainer and decided to see if I could run the full 13 miles. I succeeded, and I was very proud of myself, but when the actual half-marathon began, less than 24 hours later, I couldn't do it a second time. I crapped out after 4 miles. The problem? I wasted all of my energy on the warmup.

Not to get all cliché on you, but sex is kind of like a marathon. If you have a thriving sex life, you'll want to take it easy on the masturbation. Don't deplete your reserves before the big race even begins. If your day unfolds as a continuous chain of orgasms, interrupted by the occasional trip outside, you're going to suffer hormonal imbalances. Your body will release excess amounts of DHT, a sex hormone which can over-stimulate your reproductive system and increase your sexual sensitivity. That increased sensitivity leads to premature ejaculation.

FInd Out More About Your P.E. Problems:

How to Calm the Raging Beast

Herbs were once dismissed as sketchy folk remedies, but in recent years, more and more doctors and scientists have studied the effects of herbal remedies on a wide variety of biological functions. That's because herbs have shown incredible progress in treating difficult conditions, including premature ejaculation. That's right. Griffonia, jujube, passion flower and licorice are just some of the herbs that have been found to restore sexual health and put an end to premature ejaculation. Here are formulas for you:

Consider incorporating some of these botanical remedies into your daily routine, and if you're fortunate enough to have a busy sex life, consider taking it easy in your alone time. After all, you want to save your best for the person sharing your bed.

[More Details +]

Views: 162

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 61643

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