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Flame to a Flicker – Excessive Masturbation and its associated issues

Here is a case involving a gentleman that has been masturbating chronically over a lengthy period of time, and is now feeling the detrimental effects of burning out his system. How can he change things around?

Case #: 968


I used to over masturbate, unable to control masturbation. This strange habit occupied for more than 10 years. Unable to quit I feel always have to masturbate. My body became very weak, ejaculating very quickly, nervousness, loss of self-control, frequent urination, pain in the lower back. Worst of all, my penis has shrunken & testicles becoming small. All this happened due to masturbation or excess of it. Also feel always tired and exhausted of energy. I feel that my body becomes more affected due to this habit. Psychological change & I feel impotent or moving to that extreme. Is that possible, to control this habit. Restore my penis/testis to original or normal shape. Please reply me is I can get back to my original state & rejuvenate my body to get my original strength.


I enjoy a good disaster flick once in a while. There is something about a group of people trying to survive in the harshest of conditions once things go haywire that I think strikes a primal chord in all of us. I think that part of it is that we as humans used to have to contend with the elements in a very real way, which would result in us either surviving, or dying, and our gene pool being taken out of the equation of life.

Hunkered Down

One particular blockbuster (guess which one) involved parts of the Earth being stricken with a new ice age almost overnight, and towards the end of the movie a small group of people had to keep a fireplace burning in order to survive until hopefully a rescue team would find them. But what if you started to run low on firewood, and then had to resort to burning books, newspapers, whatever you could get your hands on that would burn? And what if your heat radius became smaller and smaller?

Through your chronic masturbatory habits, you’ve burned out your body, and are now in a situation where you are trying to keep your waning fire burning with less and less burnable material. You are now in the severely addictive stage of over masturbation, and even though your mind is still telling you that it is okay to masturbate, your body is but a shell of its former self. Since you engage in masturbation excessively, you are further burning through your body’s resources before it is able to replace them, resulting in numerous maladies. So how can we get you back to health?

Feed That Tiny Flame

In order to stock up that pile of wood again, you’re going to have to take this seriously and lay off any sort of sexual activity for a few weeks. You have to be disciplined about this because if you aren’t, the symptoms will only persist and have you continue to spiral downwards. Got your attention? Good.

Your next step could be taking a powerful herbal formula to accelerate your entire recovery process. (SEE: Advanced Remedy for Exhaustion & Dysfunction Formula) These advanced botanical mixtures synthesis with your body and can help to repair your damaged parasympathetic nervous system, which is the valve which controls your semen and urination, and also rejuvenates your penile tissues in order to get you back to your normal size again. In addition to this, they can also increase your body’s natural bio-energy flow and make any pain in your lower back or groin disappear, and also boost your body’s energy levels. So let’s put some “super-wood” into your stockpile!

[More Details +]

Views: 95


Blog ID: 61540

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