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I Said No to Drugs, But My Sex Life Is Still Fried

Years of drug use left him unable to perform sexually...at least, not for very long, and not with much gusto. Find out the reasons for this type of dysfunction, and see what can be done about it.

Case #: 676


I did a lot of drugs during my twenties and stopped a few months ago. I've been trying to get rid of all the toxins from my body and I'm feeling a lot better. I don't quite feel like I'm at a 100%. I still feel a little fatigued, lost of erectile strengthen, and get worn out sexually fairly fast. I'm getting a lot better, but I just need a boost. Can you recommend anything?


You were wise to kick the habit. Drugs can create a life-threatening cycle of dependency, destroy families, ruin lives, contribute to premature death, and worst of all, hinder your sex life. Okay, so maybe I have my priorities a little mixed up here, but sexual dysfunction definitely IS a big deal, especially if you're in a relationship and trying to explain to your partner that “this has never happened before.”

The first and most important thing that you can do is be patient. Detox is a long, arduous process, especially if you used drugs habitually for many years. You're not going to restore all of your bodily functions overnight. Nevertheless, there are some things you can do to speed the process along.

Your Penis Hasn't Abandoned You

To make sense out of why this is happening in the first place, we have to look at the role of key chemicals in the body. So our vocabulary word of the day is acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is an important neurotransmitter that aids in healthy sexual function, and extended drug use can disorient the brain and deplete this important chemical, leaving you soft just when you're up to bat.

Acetylcholine deficiency can lead to loss of libido, premature ejaculation and lack of concentration. Sound familiar?

Aiding in the Healing Process

Your fatigue and sexual exhaustion are to be expected in the aftermath of a years-long drug binge. But if you want to speed up the detoxification process, I would recommend that you first focus on your diet, and then supplement your healing with a targeted herbal remedy.

When you consume the right nutrients and avoid excessive junk food, your body is best equipped to keep its hormones in balance, whereas poor diet can actually wreak havoc on your adrenal gland and contribute to dangerous imbalances, which will only exacerbate your problem. So first and foremost, I ask that you skip the KFC, say goodbye to the McEmpire, and opt for healthy, balanced nutritional options.

As far as herbs, I would recommend a milk thistle detox solution, which works to restore the liver, expel toxic chemicals and balance hormone levels. Once you get your temple back in order, I know you'll start experiencing the best sex of your life, and you'll have more energy to boot. So take care of yourself, and enjoy your drug-free life. It only gets better from here.

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观看次数: 96


笔记编号: 61521

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