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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
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Natural Erection Supplements & Pills

Embarrassing Moments

Do you experience a sudden softness in your erection during intercourse? Have your erections gotten progressively weaker that you can barely sustain them long enough to satisfy your loved one? These are tragic,

yet common outcomes for many people who have exhausted themselves sexually due to over masturbation.

Lovely Results:
  • Enjoy hard rock erection the way nature intended
  • Improve erectile capillary circulation
  • Repair venous leak and prevent blood backflow
  • Increase nitric oxide release for sustaining longer erections

Formulated To Fix Soft Erection Based On These Healing Herbs: 
You Are Not Alone
In ancient times, many Asian males experienced weak erections. Most were married by the age of 15. Almost all were forced to have multiple children. An average family size during the Chinese Ming Dynasty (1662) or Qing Dynasty (1636) was 8—two adults and six children. Pressure to have sex frequently before puberty caused many Chinese adults to incur various symptoms of sexual exhaustion that were often well documented in Chinese medical textbooks.

How This Formula Works
Traditional Chinese medical doctors developed herbal formulas to treat these various sexual problems. One of the most popular and effective formulas to combat a weak erection caused by sexual exhaustion was developed and past down by Shaolin monk. In a conservative Chinese society, it was too embarrassing to discuss this potent formula, thus the name it was given relayed power, and implied that it was robust and had carried the great strength of the Shaolin martial artists.

Cnidium helps boost an erection thanks to the cnidiadin, cnidimine, archangelican and columbianetin chemical compunds that restore a man’s sexual desires. When a man is over sexed, the pituitary-adrenal-testicular axis stops the production of pituitary oxytocin and the androgen hormones--DHEA, testosterone and DHT. Instead, the body over produces the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2, which weakens an erection. An extremely exhausted adrenal function can cause high levels of cortisol, resulting in a limp penis.

By taking high doses of Cnidium compounds, the body begins to reverse the ill effects of oxytocin and androgen depletion, while eliminating the toxic build up of prostaglandin E2 and cortisol. [1]

Why Is It So Powerful?
When blended with Schisandra, Cistanche, Panax Ginseng, American Ginseng and Licorice, the formula can significantly increase liver metabolism and expel destructive toxins that harm the penile tissues and circulation.  [2] [3]

Since the original formula was past down for hundred of years, it has been revised to fit with current diets and the stresses of modern times. Many of these herbs have been strategically designed and balanced. Blood circulation will increase without significantly and negatively increasing blood pressure. This makes it a safe, rejuvenating supplement for people suffering from hypertension and diabetes.
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 61383

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