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It Burns! It Burns! Masturbation Produces An Irritating Sensation In His Urethra

Masturbation produces an irritating sensation in his urethra, along with a strong urge to urinate that takes almost half an hour to fade away. Read on to find out what's going on and how you might be able to repair the damage if this happens to you.

Case #: 594


Almost every time I masturbate and ejaculate, I get either a burning or stinging sensation in my urethra that lasts about 20 minutes. I experience the urge to urinate, but noting releases to minimize the desire. What is the deal?


It's Flexible and Strong

Your urethra is a fairly amazing piece of engineering. During urination, it's nice and flexible to allow you to direct the stream of urine with relative ease. During ejaculation, it's rigid to resist the pressure from the rest of the blood-engorged tissues that actually create the erection so that semen can flow though it. How does it manage this?

Biochemical Engineering

Two hormones (prostaglandin E1 and prostaglandin E2) are the keys to your uretrha's ability to be both flexible and rigid when necessary, and you need both of them in proper balance to maintain a healthy urethra.

Produced by the prostate and urethral tissues, E1's job is to open the ejaculation duct by expanding it, and then to repair the damage caused to the duct by that expansion. Made by the seminal vesicles, bulbourethral glands, urethra and the prostate, E2's job is to clear the duct after ejaculation is complete. Both are present in semen, but they do not “cancel each other out”. Think of them as like the chemicals used to patch small leaks in your car's cooling system: when they are drawn to the areas they need to be, then they go to work.

But How Does That Help Me?

In your case, your various glands and organs responsible for producing these hormones aren't keeping things in balance. Specifically, you've got too much E2, which is causing inflammation and therefore the irritation.

You can't urinate enough to wash it away because the E2 itself makes it difficult for enough urine to flow through the urethra, but the E2 also stimulates the “gotta pee” sensation whether you've got anything to let go or not. E2 will eventually break down enough on its own that the trouble goes away, but as long as the imbalance remains, it will come back.

What Can I Do?

Without a proper examination under the supervision of a health-care professional, we can't say for certain. This problem most commonly stems from either insufficiency or excess. Not enough androgen (which helps produce sperm), DHEA (which performs a variety of tasks), testosterone, DHT (which is something like triple-distilled testosterone), either individually or in combinations, can be part of it.

Alternately, too much cortisol (stress hormone, so calm down!), epinephrine (which constricts blood vessels) or prolactin (released during or after ejaculation) could also be part of it. Both conditions can be corrected with the use of an appropriate herbal supplement designed specifically to address these issues.

As you've probably heard elsewhere, excessive alcohol consumption damages the liver, but what you may not know is the nature of that damage. Aside from reducing its ability to remove toxins from the bloodstream, the damage causes the liver to release extra amounts of an enzyme called aromatase, responsible for breaking testosterone down into estrogen.

Consuming alcohol while experiencing the problem you describe definitely exacerbates it, in that your body's production of androgen decreases even further while your testosterone is being converted to estrogen faster than necessary. So you would be well advised to cut your alcohol consumption back as much as you can, if you can't cut it out completely, until your prostate recovers.

Your best bet is to use a specially-formulated herbal supplement (formulated by Aztec Secret Formulation), designed to help strengthen and heal the taxed tissues responsible for controlling the flow of urine.

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Blog ID: 61316

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