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My Penis Is Shriveled Near The Top and Have Pain In My Testicles

I can get an erection but cannot hold it very long. My erections have been weak for the last two months. I occasionally have headaches and have suffered from low energy for quite some time

Case #: 633


A friend of mine told me about this site. I have pain in my testicles, and lower back. My penis is shriveled near the top. I ejaculated a little over a week ago and have seemingly lost the ability to get an erection since then. However, I can get an erection but cannot hold it very long. My erections have been weak for the last two months. I occasionally have headaches and have suffered from low energy for quite some time. Masturbation became very excessive about 2-3 years ago. I am now 32. Up to 5 times per day ... over the last 6 months, I began to feel better but suffered from stress and anxiety and used pornography to deal with the stress. I think I have learned that I need to get my testosterone checked ... is there any hope?


Like any good thing, there's often a fine line between “enough” and “too much” and it sounds like you're on the wrong side of that line with respect to masturbation.

Mechanism Failure and Other Deteriorations
Whenever you ejaculate, your body goes through a process a lot like a factory manufacturing a product. And like a factory, your body uses up raw materials and puts a little wear and tear on the mechanisms with each batch of product. You may not have to strip out the old parts and replace them when they break down, but you do need to give them time to repair themselves.

You may not need to put a special tag on your “mechanism” to take it out of service while it's down for maintenance, but you should definitely throttle back on using it.

Running a Diagnostic

Like any good machine that does amazing things on command, there's a lot more going on than you can see or have to think about. For example, achieving an erection requires hydrostatic pressure of blood to spongy tissues in the penis, and achieving orgasm requires a very complex series of events to make sure that the semen gets from the scrotum to the urethra, and does so with sufficient force to deliver the semen into the female's fallopian tubes.

In your case, masturbating too much over the course of several years left all the glands and other organs affected by excessive sexual activity worn out from overuse. Your arteries were constricted for too long, or too often, or both.

Other tissues, like your liver and seminal vesicles, are swollen in an unhealthy way from too much stress-hormones in your bloodstream. There is also the “ramping effect”, in which it takes an ever-increasing dosage of a particular experience (like a drug or sexual stimulation) to achieve the same end “high”. All of this adds up to a set of genitals that just can't do the job you ask of them anymore, unless you let them regenerate.

What's in the penis-repair tool kit?

The first thing is time. There's no absolute recovery period, as every guy is different, but you should allow at least two weeks and as much as a month for most of the damage to heal. You don't have to abstain completely, but the longer you can go without, the better the orgasm will become when you get back down to business.

The next thing is nutrition. If you lose a lot of blood, your doctor would advise you to eat a lot of iron-rich foods like lima beans or spinach, or moderate amounts of red meat. Ejaculation consumes a more complex spread of nutrients from your system, so your best bet is to eat as healthily as possible. In addition, you should consider using an herbal supplement to restore the specific nutrients your body needs to repair your genitals [SEE MORE: How Botanical Solutions for Erectile Dysfunction Help You]

There are other things, like patience and consulting your doctor, but a very important tool is hope: you're still alive, which means that yes, there is still a possibility that your penis will be back to its familiar abilities soon.

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观看次数: 98


笔记编号: 61300

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