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g spot insensitivity

Sensitivity and elasticity of the vagina become lost over time. Aging, hormone imbalances, PMS, birth control, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, medications, and even vibrator abrasion can also diminish the pleasurable, euphoric sensations the G-spot produces.  Additionally, anything that increases estrogen in the body will decrease nerve sensitivity in the clitoris and G-spot.
Women who lack those orgasmic responses around the G-spot may want to try G-spot Rejuvenation and Nerve Repair remedy. Collated with Catuaba, Yohimbe, Cnidium Monnieri, Curculigo Ochioides, Lepidium meyenii (Maca), Morinda Officinalis, Tribulus Terrestris, Shilajit, Pyrola Calliantha, and Muira Puama, the formula contains therapeutic ratios that help 
  • Improve sexual pleasure by increasing sensory receptors and nerve endings 
  • Increase blood circulation to the vaginal, clitoral, and G-spot tissues 
  • Engorge clitoris, vagina, and G-spot 
  • Heighten sex drive and libido 
  • Enhance pleasure of intimacy with increased vaginal lubrication 
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 61265

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