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Lost in the Smoke – Erection Issues Related to Marijuana Use

Here’s an interesting case study involving a young man who, as a result of both too much masturbation and long term weed smoking, has led to penile shrinkage and weak erections. How can he tackle these problems?

Case #: 721


I am 21 years young and have also written you before. I've abused marijuana since the age of 13. I’ve decided to quit smoking because I believe it’s causing blood to stop flowing to my penis. I’ve also masturbated quite a bit and have quit that as well. I can no longer achieve a full hard erection when with my girlfriend, it’s weird, but they don’t last long either. Sometimes I feel as if my penis has shrunk. What can I do to regain the maximum strength of my penis, obtain long hard strong erections, regrow and surpass my old size and length, and rejuvenate my body?


When I was younger I remember watching those old Cheech and Chong movies just to see what all of the fuss was about. People were jumping up and down and practically doing backflips about how hilarious they were. So, I rented a couple of them and hunkered down for some laughs.

Up in Smoke
So I waited…and I waited…and I waited for even one good laugh; it never came. I mustered a few light giggles at some of the crude humor, but that was about it. When I talked to some friends about it, they told me that you had to watch it while being high on weed.

Since I didn’t smoke marijuana I guess I was missing something, but I’m not sure that I wanted to “get it,” after learning more about the harmful effects of pot. It seems that these days marijuana usage is becoming more and more politically correct, and the misinformation out there is harmful to people’s health, especially our youth. How so? Let me explain.

When you light up and toke away, not only do you alter your brain’s chemistry in negative ways, but your body’s Prostaglandin E-2 levels shoot up. Prostaglandin E-2 is normally an inflammatory enzyme that smooths out your muscle tissues and fibers, allowing them to relax.

Too much build-up of it however, can cause your entire body to flare up, constricting your blood flow and limiting blood circulation to important areas, such as your reproductive area, and also your brain.

Since blood is being cut off from fully gorging your penile chambers with blood in order to get Mr. Happy fully happy, instead you’re winding up with Mr. Flaccid instead. In addition to this, for persons under 21 who smoke pot the detrimental effects are multiplied, since the brain is still developing and habit forming processes are occurring in a big way. This makes a full-scale addiction harder to get rid of.

Sprinkle Some Healing Seeds on Your Lawn

You’ve already won half the battle by putting down the pipe as well as taking a break from masturbation. You’ve already initiated your body’s natural healing process.

What you can do to get you back to those hard erections again is to amplify your healing process by taking a detoxifying herbal remedy [TRY: cannabis detoxification for poor erection]. Since these are all natural, they will work in conjunction with your body’s healing properties and only boost them further.

Special properties contained within these formulas can actually expand your penile chambers, allowing for more blood to be contained within them and making your penis larger during go-time. Not only that, they also help to retain the amount of blood contained in your penile sponge tissues, which make your erections last much longer! Sound good? Then what are you waiting for?

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观看次数: 101


笔记编号: 61118

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