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Infertilidad masculina
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Masturbación excesiva
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Severe Sexual Exhaustion Inhibits His Growth

I started to masturbate way too early when I was 14 years old. I can’t grow any kind of beard which I suspect it’s due to early masturbation

Case #: 25521


I am a 24-year-old man. I started to masturbate and got addicted way too early, when I was 14 years old. I remembered that the Sex Ed textbook indicated it was all right to masturbate as a way to release stress. I don’t have stress. But I do ejaculate every time I watch porn online. Sometimes, I ejaculate multiple times in one night.

I used a lot of drugs and alcohol frequently at parties. As of a year ago, I no longer have a morning erection. Now, I have a full-blown ED problem. It takes 5 minutes of masturbating and watching porn to get a semi-weak erection. I look younger than my peers. I can’t grow any kind of beard, which I suspect is due to early masturbation. I have stopped watching porn for 3 days now, but still can’t get any erection at all. It’s really scaring me, because I do not want to be impotent for the rest of my life.


Well, the good news is that you apparently already know your problem. Stopping masturbation is a good start. Advance Herbal Remedy For Exhaustion & Dysfunction can help you recover and rejuvenate your body. Be sure not to continue to use any street drugs like smoking pot, you’ll only abuse your body again. You sound like an intelligent person, use your best judgment for your own good.

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Blog ID: 60978

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