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Tragic accident after watching too much Japanese BDSM bondage porn

He injured his penis during masturbation and developed Peyronie's Disease, causing him great pain and discomfort during sex.

Case #: 45120


I have injured my penis few years ago when I was 17 years old. There was one night, after watching Japanese bdsm bodage rape porns, I masturbated so much that my penis was very swollen the next day. I think I have scar tissues accumulated on the penis, as it curved upward slightly painfully at the beginning of erections. I have had painful erections since then and have gradually lost some size on my penis. My doctor prescribed surgery and would not guarantee full recovery. I had read online that some of the people that had surgery have suffered impotence later their life. I have regretted watching those addictive crazy Japanese porn and hope they don’t make those anymore.


It is apparent that you injured your penis during masturbation years ago and developed Peyronie's Disease. Peyronie's Disease is characterized by a hard, fibrous layer of scar tissue (plaque) that develops under the skin on the upper or lower side of the penis. When the penis is erect, the scar tissue pulls the affected area off at an angle, causing a curved penis. The plaque that is formed by thickened layers of soft tissue in the penis is non-cancerous, but this condition can cause pain and make sexual intercourse difficult.

Overwhelming sensations from watching porn have polluted your mind and made you over-masturbated beyond your body’s capacity. Vigorous and abusive masturbations have tear and ruptured your peripheral penile blood vessels without you knowing it until the next day. You should apply ice right after injured to reduce swelling and pain. Ice is a vaso-constrictor causing the blood vessels to narrow and it limits internal bleeding.

Treatments of Peyronie's Disease involve surgical and non-surgical approaches.  Surgery is generally effective at restoring normal erections, although each surgical method can cause unwelcome side effects such as partial loss of erection or shortening of an erect penis.

Causes of Peyronie's Disease

There are a number of factors that can cause Peyronie's Disease. An injury to the penis, caused by vigorous sexual intercourse or an accident, may cause small tears in the tissue, and small blood vessels in the penis can rupture and bleed internally. Abnormal healing can result in the development of hard, thickened scar tissue under the skin of the penis. With repetitive trauma, the plaque may develop tough fibrous tissue or calcium deposits and result in the deformity.

Take herbs from Herbal Remedy For Penile Fibrotic Tissue Damage & Curvature to help you gradually rejuvenate your neuro-endocrine function and boost your prostaglandin E-1 &E-3, oxytocin and nitric oxide production for healing. This special herbal blend contains most potent Ayurvedic and Chinese healing herbs and is extremely helpful in correcting bad penis curvature.

If you have persistent pain during erection or penis curved more than 15 degree, you need to practice Harmonic Qi Gong and then massage your penis slowly. Wrap a warm towel on your erecting penis for 5 minutes to stimulate prostaglandin E1 and nitric oxide production.name=#note-1>

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观看次数: 91


笔记编号: 60627

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