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Herbs For Premature Ejaculation & Painful Prostate

Unexpected urinary pains, pain in the groin, testicles, pelvic area or prostate are common symptoms of Prostatis. Inflammatory factors can make nerves controlling an ejaculation worse due to the hypersensitivity a man will feel, causing him to experience chronic premature ejaculation.

Herbs in these solution

Astragalus Complanatus
Os Draconis
Plantago Seed
Smilax Rhizoma
This Solution Can Help:
Formulated Based On These Healing Herbs:
DHT’s Effect on the Body

Caused by heavy masturbation and sexual activity, DHT is a byproduct of testosterone. When the body produces too much testosterone, the hormone can cause the organs to become over stimulated, resulting in premature ejaculation, a weak parasympathic nerves and an ejaculation valve. DHT binds to hair follicles, killing them off and causing hair to thin.

How Healing Herbs for Premature Ejaculation and Prostate Pain Remedy Can Help

These healing herbs contain bioflavonoids, minerals, adaptagens and anti-inflammatory agents that help fight the production of DHT. One of the key active ingredients, Imperata, helps boost the homeostatic balance and immunity of the body. Current research has shown that Imperata promotes urination as a way to treat acute and chronic glomeruloephritis  [1]

Other benefits of herbs in this formula:

  • Lowering DHT levels
  • Inhibiting the action of 5-alpha-reductase
  • Providing essential nutrients to parasympathetic nerves
  • Impeding cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase enzymes
  • Helping reduce pain associated with chronic prostatitis
  • Increasing prostate drainage to expel prostate pus
Herbs In Action

Ophiopogon has been used to increase tolerance to oxygen deprivation, to improve antibacterial properties in the body and to treat inflammation. [2] Plantago seed features an anti-inflammatory action and treats urinary infections. Plantago seeds contain fatty acids that promote semen production to improve fertility in men as well.  
Patrinia contains antibacterial action used to remove internal toxic heat and resolve swellings. Patrinia also contains patrinosides, iridoids and volatile oils. Patrinia is synergized with Smilax Glabra RhizomeOphiopogonDianthusGardenia and Imperata to increase circulation of prostate tissues and to remove discharging prostate pus caused by inflammation.
Smilax Glabra RhizomeAstragalus ComplanatusOs Draconis and Dianthus stimulate the rejuvenation and repair process on the parasympathetic sexual nerves near the prostate area. The main active constituents of Smilax Glabra Rhizome are saponin, tannin, alkaloids, volatile oils and sitosterol. These natural compounds are especially beneficial to men with urinary tract infections and cysts. Animal studies have shown that smilax can fight abnormal cell growths of the liver and urinary bladder. In addition, smilax is effective in relieving joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis.

No More Premature Ejaculation & Prostate Pain

Overall beneficial effects of these healing herbs can heal the parasympathetic nerves that control the ejaculation valve after long exposure to chronic inflammatory response in many men with a prostatitis condition.

[More Details +]

Views: 207


Blog ID: 60613

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