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Beginner's Guide To Anal Douche and Enema

The history of enemas remains disputed, but according to historians, the devices gained popularity from the response to emerging populations of homosexual males. According to sex historians, homosexual males needed a means for cleaning their anuses before sex. Water and soap provided a safe means, but the traditional method didn’t remove all the filth. Instead, enemas offered a safe, effective method of removing filth before anal sex.

Today, these devices remain popular among the homosexual communities and women looking to experiment with anal sex. And while safe to use, anal douches can harm men and women if used incorrectly.
Ideal for anal sex and anal play, anal douches, similar to vaginal douches, eliminate filth from hard-to-reach areas inside the body. Except in the instance of an anal douche, the device removes any impurities to prevent infections.

Because the anal lining is delicate, any tears to its tissue can cause infections. Eliminating filth can stymie the chances of your catching an infection. And because these devices come in a variety of shapes and for differing experience levels, they offer the ideal choice for cleaning the anus before sex.
How To Use an Anal Douche
  1. Clean the douche before using. The tissue of your rectal cavity tears easily, and any filth on the device can further the likelihood of an infection.
  2. Fill the device with tepid water. Do not use scolding water, or water with soap. Soap can irritate the anal cavity and cause infections.
  3. Lubricate the douche and the anal cavity.
  4. Insert the douche into the anal cavity and squeeze the bulb to release the water into the rectum. Squeeze the bulb with ease. Notice how your body reacts to the water prior to squeezing more water into the body.
  5. Remove the douche and release the water inside your rectum.
  6. Continue the process until the water remains clear and free from any filth.
Anal Douching at a Glance
  • Use a douche 45 minutes prior to intercourse.
  • Avoid cold or scolding water.
  • Wash a douche before and after using.
  • Make sure you use lubrication prior to douching and during intercourse.
Product Comparison: Finding What’s Right for Me
Anal douches present a viable option for males and females attempting anal sex. These devices offer a quick, simple solution to cleaning the anus, and while relatively cheap, the demand continues to increase for these products. With a higher market demand, more products continue to appear. With so many choices, here are the features that you want to look for when buying an anal douche:

Spray Pattern: A vital part to any anal douche is its spray pattern. Some use a straight spray pattern, while others include a wide spray pattern. A wider spray cleans the anus faster and improves the effectiveness of removing filth from the sphincter.
Nozzle Design: Some products use a basic nozzle, and some include a grooved or beaded nozzle. The advantage (or disadvantage) is the grooves add pleasure for some, but for others can create discomfort. Meanwhile, the length and width of the nozzle too can prove useful for some. Longer, thicker nozzles can provide a more precise cleaning than shorter, thinner nozzles. 

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