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Excessive Vibrator Use Had Really Damaged Me Inside Out...Nothing Help Even My Husband Has Tried Everything To Get Me Excited

Woman has had an absence of libido for eight years, clitoral pain, recurrent infections, dryness and symptoms of decreased estrogen. Are hormones her problem?

Case #: 562


For the past eight years, I have not had any sexual desires. I have also been experiencing pain in my clitoris, bladder infection, extreme dryness, mood swings, insomnia, anxiety and memory loss. My husband has tried everything to get me excited, but nothing works. Could excessive vibrator use for the past 10 years have damaged my body?


The first thing I would suggest is having your hormone levels ascertained. Low libido levels, recurrent infection, extreme dryness, mood swings, insomnia, anxiety and memory issues can all be related to a single hormone—estrogen. I think even your clitoral pain could be related to low estrogen levels, although it could be a signifier of vulvodynia.

Clit Prickler

Women who experience chronic clitoral pain are said to have a specific subset of vulvodynia, with pain specifically located on the clitoris, a common symptom of the condition. No one specific cause of clitoral vulvodynia exists; however, it could be the result of diabetes, the removal of warts from the area, violent stimulation, or some other form of abuse or injury to the area.

What is known about vulvodynia is that something disrupts the signaling mechanism of clitoral sensation—meaning that your clitoris sends pain signals because of some abnormality of the nervous system. The pain, consisting of dull aches or soreness, can also lead to shooting pains or burning sensations in women. Stress, meanwhile, increases the severity, while sexual intercourse will too exacerbate the pain.

If you do feel that this is what you’re experiencing, you need to be diagnosed by a clinical professional. You can ameliorate the symptoms, but no method, aside from a local anesthetic, can totally allay the pain. For some relief, try the following:

  • Stop wearing tight pants and panties, as both can further irritate the area.
  • Remove spicy foods from your diet.
  • Eat plenty of fiber.
  • Stay well hydrated.
  • Use cold or warm compresses to alleviate the pain.
  • Practice stress therapy, such as meditation, to diminish stress-related pain.

Many women report experiencing a reduction in pain after implementing these changes.

A New Sensation

If you feel that your pain is not chronic, I’d wager that it would be related to an estrogen deficiency. Women begin to experience a decrease in estrogen before and during menopause, and the symptoms of menopause can begin as early as the mid-30s. A woman’s body is so accustomed to a constant supply of estrogen, from puberty onward, that when levels begin to diminish, the body starts to become ersatz.

After you complete your hormonal workup, you can determine how low your estrogen levels truly are, and start an estrogen replacement therapy from there.

Very low estrogen levels call for true hormone replacement therapy, and I think estrogen in the form of vaginal creams will remedy your dryness and clitoral pain, as well prevent infection in both the vagina and urinary tract. Stabilizing your body’s levels of estrogen will begin to mediate your anxiety and insomnia, and will jumpstart your libido.

I encourage you to begin taking an estrogen-supportive herbal remedy (like to be Young Again?) at this time, which, because it contains adaptive estrogens, will not overwhelm your body. Instead, it will revitalize your normal estrogen levels and begin to give you relief of your symptoms.

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观看次数: 91


笔记编号: 60039

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