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Feeling Deflated? The Tragedy of Soft Sex

It's the kind of problem you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. You're right in the middle of a hot love-making session, and your erection goes soft. What the hell just happened? Learn the facts, and find out what you can do.

Case #: 489


I have had chronic prostrate pain in the past. Your supplements helped me to a pain-free life. Thank you! I am a 48 year-old male, I have had a stint placed in an artery near my heart 6 years ago. Besides that I am healthy, blood pressure fine. I am now having problems losing erection during intercourse. What do you recommend?


Nothing can crush a woman's ego like when her man goes soft in the middle of a passionate sexual encounter, and good luck telling her, “It's not you, it's me.” I can imagine the frustration and embarrassment that you must be feeling, but your issue is actually pretty common.

It doesn't matter how incredible the sex is, or how indescribably hot your partner is. This issue is biological and based on the symptoms and your history of prostate pain, your issue may have something to do with a venous leak.

Venous Leak – Not as Fun as It Sounds

We all know that a strong erection is all about healthy blood flow to the penis. Your penis is kind of like a sponge which absorbs and holds blood whenever you start to feel aroused. A venous leak occurs when the penis is unable to hold onto that blood.

As the chambers along your shaft start losing blood, what happens? You erection softens, leaving you feeling like a deflated balloon right in the middle of the action. There are many possible causes, including poor muscle relaxation, the accumulation of scar tissue, and a compromised parasympathetic nervous system.

Getting Back on Top – Literally and Figuratively

If you want to remedy this embarrassing problem and regain the Superman virility you once enjoyed, you’ll need to do a bit of biological troubleshooting. First, try relaxing your muscles during sex. If you contract the muscles in your genital region out of fear of losing your erection, you may actually constrict the blood flow to your penis and become your own worst enemy.

Severe scar tissue can also hinder your healthy erection. If you find yourself getting laid constantly, try taking a break and letting the tissue heal. Also, congratulations on getting laid constantly. That's no simple feat.

Finally, your problem may be due to weakened parasympathetic nerves. Unfortunately, this problem isn't going to go away just because you take a cold shower or relax your genital muscles.

To deal with this issue, you may need to consider an herbal remedy that includes tonkat ali. Tongkat ali has been shown to improve blood flow to the penis and ensure that the penile chambers trap blood properly...(best remedy for venous leak)

Remember, better blood flow means stronger erections, and stronger erections mean a happier partner. So don't do it for you. Do it for the person you love...or like...or is willing to sleep with you.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 60025

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